Breastfeeding for 6 months :-)


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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When I got pregnant I said I would never breastfeed, then i decided I would as I had a short time to lose weight for my wedding and was told it would help so I only ever intended to go to 6 weeks, but since learning the benefits and all I've never stopped and am not at 6 months :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I thought I would stop at 6 months but it just seems like stopping means more work ie. buying formula, sterilising, etc and I still enjoy breastfeeding. Ohhh I dont know what to do??!! :think: xx
If its working well for you and you don't have an immediate or definite reason to stop, then why do it?

I think you've done brilliantly! Well done! I'd keep going - why pay £7 a week for something you are easily producing for free and go to hassle of sterilising etc?

Valentine Xxx
ReggiesMummy said:
When I got pregnant I said I would never breastfeed, then i decided I would as I had a short time to lose weight for my wedding and was told it would help so I only ever intended to go to 6 weeks, but since learning the benefits and all I've never stopped and am not at 6 months :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I thought I would stop at 6 months but it just seems like stopping means more work ie. buying formula, sterilising, etc and I still enjoy breastfeeding. Ohhh I dont know what to do??!! :think: xx

You sound like you know what to do anyway. Why would you stop if you enjoy it :D and so does baby.
if you're happy, just keep going :D :D :D

congratulations hon, 6 months is a brilliant achievement! :hug: :hug:
Congratulations! That's great and it sounds like you still like doing it, so stopping will probably just make you sad. You should keep going for as long as you are happy and able to do it! :D
Thanks everyone! :hug: For some reason i always feel like I need a goal of when to stop! I should just stop trying to be organised and go with it I suppose! We just started the BLW so I think I would rather carry on until he is definately getting enough extra nutrients from real food so at least I will know he still gets what he needs from me. :D xx
If you enjoy it continue, 6 months was always my target too but theres no way i'd stop now, i enjoy it and it'd confuse her for me to suddenly deny her boob, especially as she's learning how to get to them without my help.

Theres quite a lot of people (and threads) about the benefits of BFing to babies past 6 months so dont think you're no longer giving him anything formula couldn't

Plus it saves money and sterilising ;)
You've done fantastic you should be so proud of yourself! :dance: :clap: :clap: Well done 2 u & ur boobies :D x
Yay well done :cheer:

Just take each day as it comes and see how you feel from one to the next.
Well done :hug:

I also thought that I would only BF for six months but it just felt natural to continue. Now I am thinking that maybe we'll even go over a year :think: :D

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