* Breastfeeding Awareness Week 13 - 19 May 2007 *

id like to join in as well if thats ok...

planning on breast feeding this one i tried last time but was told to stop due to him being lactose intolrant :wall:
Of course, your both very welcome :hug: , its open to everyone that is interested :D
I am going to try and make it!! :D but I am out at the NEC all day so I amy be a little late

great idea Tasha.......

*is anyone going to any events to support this week? - we have a teddy bears picnic and an open day to go to.. just wondering and sorry to hijack your thread tasha! Lol*
Lyndsey our health centre is having a breastfeeding mums coffe morning on Monday, and they have invited expecting mums too, so they can see what its really like :D and ask questions :)
nothing is planned roudn here that i know of :(
oh shine on!!! :doh:

ive rushed my kiddy winks off to bed by 7.30 coz i thought it was a 7.30 meet! :doh:
Hoping I can still join you all-I've just taken Brody up but I'll be very lucky if he's settled first time! :lol:
I can make it for a bit, then 24 and Lost are on :oops:
can we have frequent bf themed chats in the chatroom?
Id be quite happy to take part in them, especialy as they can be quite informative for mums 2 b etc :)

Like one every 4th sunday or something :D

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