breastfeeding and weight gain


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
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tegan was 8lb 1oz at birth went down to 7lb 5oz and today at 18 days old she is 7lb 15oz midwife wasnt very happy that she isnt back to birth weight and suggested formula top ups bur i dont want to! spoke to HV and she said aslong as shes gaining weight its fine. what do u think ladies? xx
If you are happy with her weight gain, her feeding and she doesn't seem ill, I'd say do what's best for you. If she is content don't let anyone force you into formula feeding. I think all midwives and health visitors tell u different things anyway xxx
if she is gaining then surely that's fine? Its just takin gher a little bit of time :)
shes very happy and content and very alert when shes awake! i just dont want to start topping up with formula and my milk supply slow down. the midwife has made me worry now x
Don't let her scare you into formula. Shes still gaining weight, and if she's content and you're happy then you're doing fine x
the hv is going to weigh her again next thursday so i hope shes gained more by then. i love breastfeeding and really dont want to give up x
you dont need formula babes, if you are worried then try putting baby back to breast shortly after you have finished feeding (same breast) so babe gets lots of that yummy hind milk :)

remember lots of charts are based on FF babies rather than BF babies so they arent totally accurate, if your baby has runny poos every now and again and wet nappies every day you are doing fine :)
she has plenty of wet nappies and yellow poos! i think im going to wake her when she nods of and offer her more boob as i think she might be falling asleep before shes totally full x
Oscar did that. But feeding habits change as they grow. She's happy and content so she must be feeding ok? I hate it when hv's make daft comments that worry you needlessly!

Take a look on the fb page "the leaky b@@b" I love that page!!
i used to pull Jaspers toes and he would start suckling again - hillarious baby :D
We were struggling to keep Isla awake and we were told to strip of her babygro and try that. It's helped loads, Isla was 6lb 12 at birth, 6lb 9 at day 5, 7lb 1 at 10 days and today at 18 days she is 7lb 11! I'm sure Tegan will catch up soon, make sure you are drinking plenty and keep calm.

Good luck
Emma xx
thanks for all the reasurance girls. isla has gained weight really well emma xx

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