breast feeding question PLEASE HELP


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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I have been breast feeding successfuly for almost 6 weeks now but during all 6 weeks my baby seems to get really bad trapped wind. She is ok to burp and is sick if she has too much but she is always farting and she gets terrible trapped wind. Its horrible cause she screams in pain and she is almost straining. she is not constipated cause when she actually manages to have a dirty nappy they are loose.
I just dont no what to do to help her. my HV suggested infacol but that doesnt work, niether does gripe water. and i have offered warm boiled water butr still no joy. Any ideas.....i hate seeing her get so worked up :(

im not breastfeeding but i have the same problem with the trapped wind.. its awful to see!! maybe this does happen at 6 weeks!! im giving dentinox a go tonight to see if that helps! ollie is straining as i type this!!
about a week. but i must say i dont use it for every feed????? usually i use it before her bedtime feed and evening feed
Yea i thought it might be to do with my diet. what kind of things am i supposed to be eating. i no that seems like a daft question but just wanted some ideas.
I havnt really been eating properly just cereal , toast and chocolate .........................feel very guilty but i just cant be bothered to cook and eat lately
I've had exactly the same thing with my daughter since she was born. Every night she would be screaming in pan from trapped wind even though she was burping fine after feeds. I tried both infacol and gripe water and no matter how long I used them for none of them worked for her. I tried changing my diet completely and nothing whatsoever helped.

over the past couple of weeks or so it seems to have eased off loads. She still farts like a man but she seems to have learnt how to push it out so it doesn't end up getting trapped anymore and she's much more settled.

For me it's just seemed like it was a learning curve for her. when she didn't know how to push the wind out it hurt her and now she's getting better at pushing it out herself she's not in as much pain.

i can't really offer any practical advice on how to make it stop and my heart goes out to you because I used to get really upset when I could tell that she was in agony and there was nothing I could do. All I can suggest is make sure you get as much burp up as possibe and fingers crossed your little one learns how to deal with it sooner rather than later.
Try and use the Infacol after every feed and it does say it can take about a week or so to start working. It won't work in every case but if not, you might want to try gripe water or colief. Colief is expensive but it's apparently good.

Your diet sounds normal for a new mum to be honest. I changed mine and it made no difference at all to his colic.

It's sometimes just a case of having to see it through unfortunately. Steer clear of things like onions and fizzy drinks though. I switched my tea over to decaf too and still drink decaf (I never drink coffee).

Good luck xx
DebbieM said:
you might want to try gripe water or colief. Colief is expensive but it's apparently good.

I was recommended coleif too but I never tired it becasue it can only be used in bottles and I was exclusively breast feeding and didn't want to change to formula feeds.
as Debbie says, the infacol really needs to be used with every feed, it took a wee while to work for my LO but it really did work in the end and i've never needed too give it to him again.
This is the info I was given by my breastfeeding counsellor. It might be worth contacting one to see if the same might apply to you:

If you have a fast let down baby gulps and swallows more air - I was advised to hand express the initial let down and then continue feeding to reduce the amount of air swallowed.

If baby is getting too much fore milk baby can get symptoms similar to lactose intolerence in a formula fed baby - tummy ache, gassy, colicky type symptoms. For this I was advised to not swap breasts for at least two hours and longer if necessary to ensure baby was getting enough hind milk (so if baby demands a feed within that period feed from the breast you used for the last feed).

I'm sure every baby is different but if you contact a breastfeeding advisor they could probably advise you whether these suggestions might be appropriate or maybe suggest other options.

Hope this helps. Good luck
Huddsgirl said:
about a week. but i must say i dont use it for every feed????? usually i use it before her bedtime feed and evening feed

I'd use it before every feed regardless as it takes a few days to take effect and only having it for a couple of feeds a day probably means it won't be effective.
i think lots of babies go through this at 6-12 weeks.. i know that happy_chick used colief and found it brilliant.. if you buy 1 bottle.. and finish it.. take it to your doctor and say this is the only thing that has helped and they should perscribe it.. good luck hun.. and well done for getting to 6 weeks..x
Dentinox was the only thing that worked for us, and it worked wonders xx
maria1976 said:
Dentinox was the only thing that worked for us, and it worked wonders xx
i'm using this and it gets the burps up better than infacol (maybe because you give more of it)i like the way it can go in the bottles.. and its cheaper than colief (but i know it works differently). Oh and i find i can even ge a massive burp out by just tilting back and forth..

sorry.. ive gatecrashed.. will go now! :oops:
have you also tried baby massage or brining their legs up to the stomach and cycling them round?

Yea i have tried that sandi4paul , it seems to help a little , except when she gets so worked up that nothing will comfort her :(
Also what are babies Bowel movements suppose to look like at 6 weeks????

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