Baby not happy feeding - worried mummy - please help


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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I am worried about Imogen. I am breast feeding and usually she feeds every 3 hours at night and then during the day between 1 and half - 3 hours (usually 2 - 2 and half) it varies more in the day. She usually feeds for half hour - 15 mins each breast. before falling asleep.

last night and today she fed every hour and only fed from one breast mostly before falling asleep. No matter what I tried I couldn't rouse her to feed again from other side. I think maybe because she was only feeding for half the time, she just had a "top up" before going to sleep, but then it's not enough to sustain her, hence the waking an hour later.

In the last few hours she has fed every hour and in last hour, it's almost been every 15 mins. OH has her now and she's been a a bit sick and just done huge burp. I have been winding her and she does a couple of little burps (usual). She is more "grisly" than usual and I would say she hasn't really had a deep sleep - she grizzles a lot while "sleeping" and wakes easily with noise (not normal)

nappies have been ok - poos are more like little and often than usual (I am assuming this is becasue she is feeding more often)

Any ideas what the issue may be? Could it be trapped wind - if so what can I do to help Imogen?

I checked that I have milk by expressing a little and I do but my boobs haven't been feeling as full as they did (although HV said they would feel softer after a while as baby gets "hindmilk" and not to worry if they feel soft.) But now I worry my milk isn't filling her....

I thought maybe a growth spurt but as she is grisly too, then I think something else must be wrong.

I thought I would give her another day and if she is still fretful, maybe to give her some formula to see if it fills her altho I reluctant to do this, wanted to give her breast milk for a few months at least.

Please advise, i am getting very worried.
BF x
Babies do get grizzly during growth spurts, they can be horrors to be round at that time. Just wanting to feed and moaning, it makes you feel like death warmed up!
You're doing a great job and please don't underestimate your breastmilk hon. Your boobs do get softer as your baby gets older as the amount of milk you produce settles so you no longer get that hard engorged feeling.

I'd try to take her out in the day for a walk to help space out her feeding a little. Also it's totally normal for her to start to 'clusterfeed' in the evening and want you continiously. I remember DD would feed on and off for about 3 hours and I'd be pulling my hair out! As she got older she stopped feeding for so long in the evenings, they basically do it to help them sleep longer at night, so you might find her cluster feeding coincides with her going for a little longer when she does settle.

Big hugs, you sound like you need them :hug:

And just to remind you that you're doing a great job! It's normal to feel frazzled by the breastfeeding during the first few months. If you can try to get your OH to take her for a walk or drive, or even just give her a snuggle whilst you get a bath or some time to yourself for a hour. You'll feel lots better for it :hug:

If you're feeling really concerned then speak to a breastfeeding counsellor, they're trained to help with all breastfeeding concerns and can offer much better advice than health visitors, who are often a bit clueless!
Definitely definitely sounds like her 3-4 week growth spurt hon - please just roll with it. It sounds like she's getting plenty from you and just needs to build your supply up due to growth spurt, hence feeding frequently.

I know its so hard, but just keep doing what you are doing and ride it out. If you aren't keen on giving formula, then don't and you'll look back in a few days, everything will be normal again!

Please keep posting or PM me for any more help with breastfeeding.

Valentine Xxx
Thanks Ladies for your prompt replies. We have just given her a dummy (loathe to, but she was getting so frantic!) and she has calmed enormously. She has always been a sucky baby always sucking her hands etc. and I wondered if dummy might pacify her at least for a little while?

I looked up some stuff on the net and read about some babies who "graze" or get reliant on the breast to send themsleves off to sleep. Wondered if this may have something to do with it? oh these poor little babies can;t tell us what's wrong, it's all guess work and posting on forums for much needed advice!

She looks exhausted bless her (as I do probably!!) and maybe she has got over tired??

I will ask OH to take her for a walk tomorrow or we can go together. I might need a nap!

Thanks again for your advice.OH has just confirmed Imogne is wide awake still suckin but potentially getting a little "wound up" - going to be a looooong night I feel!!

BF x
I hope tonight isn't too bad hon :hug:

DD and DS had a dummy for a few days at around 7/8 weeks which helped me through a tough patch. Though DS has just discovered a liking for one again now bless him :wall:

I remember DS used to get quite gripey and take lots of little feeds, he seemed like he had tummy ache and used to writhe around a bit, had dark green bits in his poo etc. I did some research and I'm sure he had lactose overload, some of it really seemed to fit. He did grow out of it though.

Do you lie down to feed her? I didn't with DD but did with DS, found it helped enormously when I was feeling really washed out.

Are you eating and drinking ok? That always helped push up my energy levels, if I had something nice to snack on. Oats are meant to be good for milk supply so have a nice big bowl of creamy porridge and maple syrup :lol: Or crack out the flapjacks ;)

Let us know how you get on tonight and don't be worried to post for support, this forum helped me through some real tough breastfeeding times with my first.

:hug: Hope you get some rest tonight :sleep:
Hi Kina

It does sound like a lactose OD for imogen I must admit - she has had dark green poo last few days and one last week when she had a bad few days. And she writhes quite a bit. Poor honey.

The dummy has kept her happy for hour and half now so we are hoping she'll hold off for a fair while and then when i do feed, hopefully her little stomach will tolerate the lactose.

i'll let you know how our night goes.

BF x
So far Imogen has slept for 2 and half ish hours with dummy. it's good to see her so calm and asleep. hoping she'll go til 1.30 and that will be 3 hours since her feed and back to her usual pattern.

Oh is sleeping in spare room tonight as I'm sure how Imogen will be and no point in 2 of us being tired!! OH is feeling guilty but relieved I suggested it.

Feeling a bit better now Imogen has had some decent kip.

BF x
Well last night went really well. Imogen slept til 2.30 am (4 hours) when I woke her to feed (worried about her going too long without milk at that point!! Paranoid mummy!) Then she fed (both sides - I stopped her after 10 mins on each) and she slept til 6.30 am (without dummy). Again fed both sides successfully. She grizzled a bit when I put her down to sleep so gave her dummy again and she slept til 9.30 am. She fed both sides and stayed awake. OH took her downstairs to amuse her (so I could :sleep: and boy did I sleep! Bliss)- she stayed awake for an hour and then feel asleep in his arms with dummy. She woke at 11.45 for feed (fed one side) and now is asleep (with dummy) - making lots of straining noises (can hear some farting going on!!!).

So maybe she is getting back to lasting longer without food, and hopefully feeling better tummy wise. She certainly hasn't been distressed like she was last night. :cheer:

I expressed 3 oz this morning after her feed so know I am producing plenty of milk.

Thanks everyone for your support and encouragement. Fingers crossed we've nipped this in the bud x
Yay! :dance:

She sounds just like DS was (with the nappies and writhing) and I know how that feels. It was a vicious circle because the only way to soothe him was to feed him, which gave him a worse tummy ache etc. I'm glad that you seem to have broken the chain and can recognise now how to keep her happy :hug:

You must be feeling loads better today, I'm really pleased for you both :)
That's brilliant news hon - I've been thinking about you and I'm so so pleased that your night went well.

Watch out for feeding on both sides though if you're not sure you are fully emptying one - you want to make sure your baby gets the calorific hind milk at the 'back' of the breast. If you are emptying one, then move her over, then that's great - I don't know - I'm speaking as someone who only ever feeds on one side (but I don't have a really hungry baby) per feed.

Valentine Xxx
yes I am feeling much better today thanks ladies. Little tired, but hey comes with the territory of being a mum!!

I have been stopping Imogen after 10 mins of feeding so I can swap her over - she feeds enthusiastically for 10 minutes then just suckles when I tap or move my breast a little so I am guessing she gets what she needs in first 10 mins. hope this is the right thing to do.

She has taken the dummy a couple of times today but doesn't seem to "need" it.

She has fed and slept well all day and is sleeping now (will be 3 hours at midnight) so hopefully will last til then and get back into her 3 hourly routine?? Fingers crossed.

BF x
Beatlesfan said:
I have been stopping Imogen after 10 mins of feeding so I can swap her over - she feeds enthusiastically for 10 minutes then just suckles when I tap or move my breast a little so I am guessing she gets what she needs in first 10 mins. hope this is the right thing to do.

The feeding enthusiastically then sucking is normal for me too, but I was told that this is the baby getting the hind milk so its very important to keep them on that one breast until they break off themselves. If I was you, I would maybe try this (I know its boring, I'm dying to get up or get a drink or something by this point). This is what I do anyway and it suits us - is this something you could try to see if she's more contented after a feed doing this?

Beatlesfan said:
She has fed and slept well all day and is sleeping now (will be 3 hours at midnight) so hopefully will last til then and get back into her 3 hourly routine?? Fingers crossed.

Again, a personal thing - but I wouldn't worry too much about her being in any kind of 3 hourly feeding routine - my DD is still fed on demand and she's 5 months. However, again, this depends on the baby and what suits your lifestyle. I do kind of know when she'll be hungry by looking at her and how heavy/full my boobs are!

You're doing a brilliant job - well done!

Valentine Xxx
Thanks Valentine I will try that and see if Imogen is more contented.
Last night she slept between 3-4 hours between feeds, she seems to feed more during the day (maybe more stimulation? Different sort of sleep?) not sure. Isn't it amazing, I am a trained nursery nurse (many years ago) and Early Years advisory teacher, yet there is still so much I don't know. These little babies are curious creatures! Everyone kept saying oh you'll be fine, an expert and it was a bit scary having all these high expectations. Even now my OH says when should she do this/that? and i have to admit I don't know and resort to the net/books we have. I know all babies are different and it's so good to hear others' experiences and views. Very reassuring.

At least it has equipped me to empathise more effectively in my job (well, when I go back) - I often felt embarrassed advising parents/childcarers when I wasn't a parent myself.

Thanks again.
BF x

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