winding baby...


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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recently it has become a real struggle to get Hollys wind up after a feed...

does anyone know any other positions i could try, i really would prefer not to use infacol or gripe water unless is a last resort as she doent get really bad trapped wind

You can try rubbing her tummy :think: laying her face down on your knees and patting her back... Lil miss gets evil colic and just screams for hours, I got a friend from the UK to send me some Infacol but its cr*p really, we are just religious about winding and you have to do it for at least 30 mins in the middle of a feed and 30 mins after :roll:
sorry appears to have had some of my post deleted... meant to say doesnt get bad trapped wind just takes ages to get it up
When back-rubbing didn't work for my LO, we would tilt her back backwards and forwards gently and then rub again, and it usually worked.
OopsyDaisy said:
When back-rubbing didn't work for my LO, we would tilt her back backwards and forwards gently and then rub again, and it usually worked.

This usually works for us too - but sometimes ill wind him for ages with no result and ill turn him over to cuddle him for a bit and he will let out a huge burp - I find one thing works one feed and something else the next :roll:
OopsyDaisy said:
When back-rubbing didn't work for my LO, we would tilt her back backwards and forwards gently and then rub again, and it usually worked.

that's what I've always done too - luckily I've never had any real problems with winding him
I think the best thing is just to keep moving them into different winding positions.

Evie struggles to get her wind up and we usually sit her upright and rub her back, then lie her on her tummy and rub her back, then hold her almost over the shoulder and rub her back...

then she usually lets rip as we moved between positions!
Over your knees, over one knee, leaning forward, leaning backwards, rubbing tummy, over shoulder... best one for ellie at the moment is sitting her on one knee and bouncing her, she only brings a little bit up like that tho and often none at all. Think the key is to move them around lots and change positions often as this will help the wind move along :)
Sometimes wind can get trapped at the top of the stomach and can't get out due to the shape of the bend. You can lift babies left arm above the head and this should release it.

Hope it helps.
i'll try all those thanks... she's come down with a cold now too which isnt helping either...
Once they're holding their head up a bit you can use squeezing method. Just gently apply a tiny bit of pressure on baby's tummy with one hand (low down) and other hand supporting their back, so your hands are effectively gently squeezing a tiny bit. That with the tilting up and down in between squeezes does the trick for me! x

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