Breast feeding is "just wrong"

Well done to you for saying something. It's crazy that people can find breastfeeding to be an inappropriate thing. It's so natural, and my goodness if they ventured onto any Spanish beach they'd find dozens of topless women and nobody bats an eyelid. So hypocritical.
Big cheer for Matt! Again I applaud you on your attitude and how hard BF is without small minded pratts making remarks like that!
And the reason my husband boycotted maccy ds recently as well after the article in the paper.

I love seeing women breatsfeeding and like snuggle they must think im a perve!
What I don't understand is, why is it mostly women who complain about such things?

Well done for challenging them. Stupid bints.
Well those two really showed themselves up didn't they! :roll: I cannot believe that this mother has passed down her ummmmm 'hang up' onto her daughter!

I would love to have breast fed...Matt, if only I had been in the queue behind you... :twisted:
My OH has been waiting for someone to say something. He has his response already planned in his head. It's not the easiest thing in the world. It takes a lot of strength and willpower. And to feed in public takes a hell of a lot of confidence! To be told it's wrong to give your baby his lunch is one knock to your confidence. My OH would've probably told her it's wrong for her to be seen eating in public. Lol. He just wouldn't be able to help himself.
Well done Matt! :clap: :clap: :clap:
What a stupid bint! :twisted:

Well done Matt :cheer: Debbie is so lucky to have your support. If that had been my OH he wouldn't have said anything to them :shakehead:

I used to be really self conscious about feeding in public and cover up with a blanket etc after i got some negative comments. Then i thought how would i like a blanket over me head whilst eating, now i don't give a toss and just whip them out you ask the girls from the Darlington meet :D
Well done Matt :cheer:

Me and OH have just been discussing this and cant even think why its a problem for people???????? As OH says most men probably arent even aware whats happening or they look the other way if they do realise, it seems to be more women that have a problem with it, and as for a fellow mother being so disapproving....well its just weird. Even if had made a choice to bottle feed I still wouldnt think there was anything wrong with breastfeeding. How bizarre just cant understand it :think:

Anyway I will stop waffling now and thank my lucky stars I too have a supportive OH, Glad it happened now you have found your confidence Debs and not 4 months ago, like you say it wouldnt take much to put you right off in the early days. Go Mechams!!! :cheer: :cheer: :clap: :clap:
:clap: Good for you Matt- I really don't understand how people ESPECIALLY women can think it's wrong!?! I honestly think it's a bit of jealousy! :think:

After having fed Evie for only 10 days myself and knowing how hard, tiring and painful it was in the those days I have so much respect for breastfeeding mummies. :hug: It's about time England loses it's qualms about boobie feeding and accepts that it is natural and special to each mummy.

Can I just add that your post always make me smile because the amount of love and support you give Debbie and Luke is tremendous. They are really lucky :)
I'm so pleased you confronted them Matt. I have to say I worry about this, I'd probably just cry or lose my temper if someone said anything to me when the time comes.
Do you think we can clone Matt? :think: :lol:

I feel really proud when i BF in public as should we all.. we are feeding our babies, whats so 'wrong' in that! I say if you've got a problem with it then don't look. simple. xx
Stupid cows! It's even more pathetic when they can't come up with a reason for why they think it's wrong! :evil:

Well done Matt! :clap: :clap:
Grrrrrr..... that makes me soooooo mad!!!

Good on you Matt!! Silly silly people!!

Our John Lewis Store in Aberdeen has 2 cafes and you arent even allowed to take a child in to one of them :roll: Really annoys me!!

And BTW.... is this the icon you want
I'm glad you said something. What got to me in your post was that she was influencing her young daughter to see it as shameful - hey I'm getting towards 40 so a 20yr old seems to me an age to see that's feeding your own child with pride is healthy, natural and a much needed cultural shift.

Good for you for taking it up with her openly. :cheer: :cheer:
You go Debbie, considering how hard BF is women should be congratulated not sneered at..wish i still did just to annoy people like that!
thats just shocking.. im glad that only you heard it and not debbie.. if they said it in ear shot of debbie it would have been aweful! if people have nothing nice to say they should say nothing at all. especially in regards to breastfeeding tbh.. i think its just the age.. breastfeeding 50 years ago was 'disgusting'.. drs pushed for excuse but it was what they were brought up knowing. i guess its hard for them to get out of that mind set? poor things..
I can't stand people like that and I hate it how friends who are breastfeeding when I'm with them are forever getting dirty looks and comments from people. One of my friends is still feeding her 10 month old and is forever getting comments that her LO is "far too old" for "that". Thankfully she has the confidence now to tell people to go and eat their McDs in the toilet if it offends them that much.

I'm another perv who enjoys watching but because I think it's lovely :D
Thankfully, I haven't witnessed any negitivity yet (perhaps there has been some, I just haven't witnessed it :think: ). God help anyone that forces their old fashioned views on me :evil: he he he :wink:

Good on you Matt, for standing up for Debs, and all of us breastfeeders rights as mothers :hug:
people like that are idiots :shakehead:

I think BFing is so beautiful and natural. I get a bit teary just looking at the BFing pics thread (cos i couldnt feed either of mine :cry: ) If i see someone feeding i tend to stare a little, but only because i think its so lovely (and im jelous that i only managed it for a couple of weeks)

People like that make me so angry :x

Good for you Debbie and Matt!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Well done Matt!!! Wish you'd have had a camera so you could have shown us their faces when you said Debbie was your wife..... that would have been a good one.

I am forever lopping them out in public to feed Evie... I used to try to cover up with a blanket but it took me longer to latch her on, and I think it actually draws more attention to it! I've had a few funny stares, and I've actually been willing people to say stuff to me rather than look quietly because I'd rather be able to tell them off for their small mindedness than have them thinking their views are right.

I thought I'd be a lot more embarrassed about feeding her in public but the ease with which I have done it surprises me. I suppose it's because it's the most natural thing in the world so it should feel that way.


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