YAWN - breast is best according to ITV news

budge said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
budge said:
oh come on. The headline is helpful to some. For me for example it makes me think ''yeah i did the right thing!!! all the hard work was worth it! i didn't go out for almost a year whilst i fed my children exclusively BREAST milk from my breasts! not even a bottle. and you know what! I'm glad - :D

if its such a boring topic - why make a thread about it :think:

You would say that budge because you were lucky enough to be able too breastfeed your girls. So that title would be helpful too you - just not to others :)

so because of that then it shouldn't be allowed? So becasue i was fortunate enough to breastfeed my children i shouldn't have any positive reinforcement and praise becasue of the people who chose not to breastfeed or couldn't for what ever reason. :think:

that doesn't seem very fair. :(

I agree with Budge. The headlines are offensive to a few bottlefeeders (not all). Yet they could potentially encourage a lot of mums to try breastfeeding when they might have originally decided against it through not knowing the benefits.
So to save the feelings of a few people they shouldn't carry out studies or publish findings? The headlines don't say "decline in brain power, why bottlefeeding is crap" it just points out that yes, breast is best, and it's potentially worth trying out as it could help with your babies IQ. But it's not the be all and end all is it?
I admit that it does make me feel good knowing that I have helped my little ones by breastfeeding and that the pain, sleepless nights, infections etc at the beginning were worth it. DD is bright (in my eyes), that could be down to her being breastfed or more likely the hour a day DH and I spend going through her books, words, colours and numbers. At the end of the day if your child is encouraged then they have a good start it's not just down to how they're fed.
I think that the anger directed towards these studies and headlines would be better directed at the poor support system offered to breastfeeding mothers by the NHS. I truly believe that if mothers were given proper support when they encountered problems early on then our breastfeeding rates would rise dramatically.
Kina I agree with everything you've said.

There are so many accepted truths that the media trot out every now and then on a slow news day.

Burgers make you fat
Fruit and veg is good for you

And....shock horror.....breast is best! :roll: :D

Frustration would be better aimed at a sub-standard post-natal health service that fails to offer the support so many of us obviously needed.
Kina said:
budge said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
budge said:
oh come on. The headline is helpful to some. For me for example it makes me think ''yeah i did the right thing!!! all the hard work was worth it! i didn't go out for almost a year whilst i fed my children exclusively BREAST milk from my breasts! not even a bottle. and you know what! I'm glad - :D

if its such a boring topic - why make a thread about it :think:

You would say that budge because you were lucky enough to be able too breastfeed your girls. So that title would be helpful too you - just not to others :)

so because of that then it shouldn't be allowed? So becasue i was fortunate enough to breastfeed my children i shouldn't have any positive reinforcement and praise becasue of the people who chose not to breastfeed or couldn't for what ever reason. :think:

that doesn't seem very fair. :(

I agree with Budge. The headlines are offensive to a few bottlefeeders (not all). Yet they could potentially encourage a lot of mums to try breastfeeding when they might have originally decided against it through not knowing the benefits.
So to save the feelings of a few people they shouldn't carry out studies or publish findings? The headlines don't say "decline in brain power, why bottlefeeding is crap" it just points out that yes, breast is best, and it's potentially worth trying out as it could help with your babies IQ. But it's not the be all and end all is it?
I admit that it does make me feel good knowing that I have helped my little ones by breastfeeding and that the pain, sleepless nights, infections etc at the beginning were worth it. DD is bright (in my eyes), that could be down to her being breastfed or more likely the hour a day DH and I spend going through her books, words, colours and numbers. At the end of the day if your child is encouraged then they have a good start it's not just down to how they're fed.
I think that the anger directed towards these studies and headlines would be better directed at the poor support system offered to breastfeeding mothers by the NHS. I truly believe that if mothers were given proper support when they encountered problems early on then our breastfeeding rates would rise dramatically.

I agree with Kina and budge

before even being pregnant I had no idea about breastmilk, and this would have helped to encourage me to give it a go. I don't think anyone says "lets do a study to make formula users feel crap". They have that wonderful sma advert that shows how great a dad you can be if you use sma, I don't watch that and think god my childs father must be shit as he doesn't get up in the night to feed and he did actually tell me I smelt of baby puke. IThis research not saying formula makes babies stupid, just breastfeeding can have a beneficial effect in helping your childs brain. For what its worth I think its just a factor, there are others like Kina says, such as encouraging your child. Seren was counting to 11 this morning, I very much doubt its solely to do with the fact she was breastfed, though I do think it helped. I think it had more to do with me spending time counting with her. Its like organic food, we all know its better for us but its not going to prevent me from a heartattack if I eat organic burgers, and chips made with organic potatoes.

The formula companiesspend about £25 per baby in this country, advertising their product and saying how great it is, whereas the goovernment spend 14p per baby on promoting breastfeeding. And when I was struggling this would have given me that extra boost. And if I had stopped I would have consoled myself with the fact I did my best.
I know I already posted but it's annoying me (I'm in one of those moods today).

I don't, and wouldn't get offended by bottle feeding moms, bottle feeding adverts, or cartons of milk etc and tbh it annoys me that people should be annoyed at pro breastfeeding news/articles. How are people supposed to learn about things if the information isn't available to them?

I'm not annoyed at bottlefeeders because their babies sleep through the night earlier, or that moms can socialise/drink easier than breastfeeding mums. (I'm maybe a little envious but I wouldn't get annoyed because I don't feel it's being rubbed in my face, and even if it was, I'm happy with the choice I made). There are pro's and con's to both.

Argh, sorry I really don't want to start an argument. Missac is right, it's all been said before, it's just one of those things that annoys me, why can't people just do what they think is right and respect that other people have different ways of doing things.
WOW what a clever girl Seren is :cheer: - Aidan still can't say papa :oops:

Keep it up ( Some children in my daughters year at school would probably struggle wiht that) Good for her.

I def thing a combination of factors come into effect and if you B/F and then shoved them in a corner with no stimulus then obviously they would not be able to achieve things. But I think like both you and Kina have said if you interact and stimulate them with a good environment then they will do well.
There are going to be some very clever chilren around in a few years by the sounds of it.
missac said:
not again dudes!!!!!!!!

i know!!!! everytime something is said about BF the bottle feeders puonce and take it all personally.
you never see BF puoncing on the bottle feeders when anyone posts about that ! :roll:
Arrrrgggghhhhhhhh... must we go through all this again!!
It's a well known and studied fact that breast is best.... and yes it gets annoying if it is in your face every few months, but come on ladies does it really matter.... as long as the baby is happy, healthy and well looked after that is the most important thing.

When I had Arianna she wouldnt feed direct off me AT ALL! I went to bf classes, HV and MW tried to help with positioning but Arianna just didnt want to latch on in any way, shape or form. I then decided to express my milk for her and did so for 16wks... which I was happy to do (thankfully my boobs were like udders and it was easy for me).... Arianna was happy, healthy and growing perfectly.... but I still had comments on why are you expressing - why not just bottle feed - blah de blah blah, mostly from my HV!

I've said it before and I'll say it again... people always have their own opinions on what is the best for the baby...
Bottle or breast / cloth or disposables / sling or buggy

My answer is whatever suits baby the best... sod everyone elses views
budge said:
missac said:
not again dudes!!!!!!!!

i know!!!! everytime something is said about BF the bottle feeders puonce and take it all personally.
you never see BF puoncing on the bottle feeders when anyone posts about that ! :roll:

i agree actually - even though I have been quite defensive in tha past I actually have come to the conclusion that noone is actually directing anything at anyone, everyone is entitled to their opinion - even you budge!!!!! :rotfl:
missac said:
budge said:
missac said:
not again dudes!!!!!!!!

i know!!!! everytime something is said about BF the bottle feeders puonce and take it all personally.
you never see BF puoncing on the bottle feeders when anyone posts about that ! :roll:

i agree actually - even though I have been quite defensive in tha past I actually have come to the conclusion that noone is actually directing anything at anyone, everyone is entitled to their opinion - even you budge!!!!! :rotfl:

thanks! :rotfl: :hug:
budge said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
budge said:
oh come on. The headline is helpful to some. For me for example it makes me think ''yeah i did the right thing!!! all the hard work was worth it! i didn't go out for almost a year whilst i fed my children exclusively BREAST milk from my breasts! not even a bottle. and you know what! I'm glad - :D

if its such a boring topic - why make a thread about it :think:

You would say that budge because you were lucky enough to be able too breastfeed your girls. So that title would be helpful too you - just not to others :)

so because of that then it shouldn't be allowed? So becasue i was fortunate enough to breastfeed my children i shouldn't have any positive reinforcement and praise becasue of the people who chose not to breastfeed or couldn't for what ever reason. :think:

that doesn't seem very fair. :(

No sorry budge I didnt mean it like it - hope i didnt offend you or anyoe else. Its just a touchy subject for me.
mrs_tommo22 said:
budge said:
budge said:
oh come on. The headline is helpful to some. For me for example it makes me think ''yeah i did the right thing!!! all the hard work was worth it! i didn't go out for almost a year whilst i fed my children exclusively BREAST milk from my breasts! not even a bottle. and you know what! I'm glad - :D

if its such a boring topic - why make a thread about it :think:

You would say that budge because you were lucky enough to be able too breastfeed your girls. So that title would be helpful too you - just not to others :)

so because of that then it shouldn't be allowed? So becasue i was fortunate enough to breastfeed my children i shouldn't have any positive reinforcement and praise becasue of the people who chose not to breastfeed or couldn't for what ever reason. :think:

that doesn't seem very fair. :(

No sorry budge I didnt mean it like it - hope i didnt offend you or anyoe else. Its just a touchy subject for me.[/quote:5ze8ih4v]

nooooo im not offended. im never offended. i know its a hard topic for you.
your a star :hug: if only bf was easy for all eh there wouldnt be threads with miserable cows like me moaning :rotfl:
mrs_tommo22 said:
your a star :hug: if only bf was easy for all eh there wouldnt be threads with miserable cows like me moaning :rotfl:

HEY it wasn't easy for me i can tell you. I spent 6 weeks struggling with my first to get it right. Got mastitis, cracked nipples and the lot. :shakehead: :)
big hugs for all mummys who feed their babies in any way, shape or form!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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