YAWN - breast is best according to ITV news

Seren was 5 months old before I managed to get to terms with breastfeeding.I had everythig go wrong , thrush,mastitis, losing bits of nipple etc etc and I really struggled. And yes I felt like a failure every single day as everyone else appeared to get the hang of it but not me. But I managed to find good support both on here, reading on the internet and finding a breastfeeding support group, and that makes a hell of a difference.

It is tough when there is a headline in the paper that makes you feel as though you are not being the best mum. I remember last year there was research saing how harmful nursery was for young children, which really upset me as I had put Seren in nursery at 5 1/2months. I just make sure I spend quality time with Seren when I am with her and she is a very happy child, far from damaged. I am happy with my decision now as I know I have done everyhting possible to make sure my daughter is happy, safe and secure, as I know you have with your children.
The one good thing I will say is that with the three four days of breastfeeding I did with Imogen is that I have a strong bond with her and her with me. She will smile coo at me and scream at everyone else! :rotfl:
Breastfeeding for anyone isn't easy, I found it very challenging emotionaly more than physicaly, I nearly gave up goodness knows how many times, but for some reason I just carried on it didnt get easy until she was abour 6 months old.

I do believe if you have the right support and encouragement, you are more likely to succeed at breastfeeding.

For those who didn't manage this time round you will know what to look out for next time and you know what to do if you need help, its a learning experience and not something everyone manages to get right the first time round. :hug:
sorry MM, but i LOVE hearing stuff like this- it makes me beam with pride!
u did so well tho getting to 5 & 1/2 months! i havent got that far yet!
i can understand ur point tho. if i'd been unable to BF stuff like this would probably seem to be rubbing it in
i think everyone that BF should be proud. My mum used to be a BF counsellor and she always moans how a lot of women just are not given enough support.
So if you can bf (fingers crossed your skin infection starts clearing up soon :hug: ) then you'll have some great support from your mum. That's really good to have someone in the family that's trained to help!
yeah thats why i am feeling such pressure to BF as its not just going to be me thats disapointed if i can't!
annem i'm sure your mom would be so supportive of you and can't be disappointed if she knows you tried your hardest. although if you personally don't want to do it, you shouldn't feel pressured to.
yeah she ll be supported but deep down disappointed. Hopefully it will be fine. it just depends how bad the infection is at the time. She s a psychoanalysit and counsellor so she is very calm about things and very encoraging but i just know her views. She s been great trying to help clear the infection but i just can't help but feel the pressure!

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