Breast feeding is "just wrong"

well done matt - but :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: at that stupid ignorant cow. i think i might actually have resorted to violence for the first time in my life if i'd been there and heard that.

:hug: :hug: :hug: to you both
Well done Matt :clap: :clap: :clap:
I breast feed in public and so far ive not had any comments im just wating for the day i do so i can tell them to sod off :twisted: :lol:
Debbie i had no idea you were going through so much with breast feeding well done you fro carrying on your made of strong stuff 8) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
good for you!!!!!!!!! :dance:

how can anyone think that it is wrong????!!!

it is the most natural thing in the world

I so wish I was in the queue with you Matt!! I have found that I get more and more stroppy about things every day since having Ella!!

I didn't breastfeed for long enough to worry about doing it in public, but I love to see it. I think all women should be proud to do it and I hate seeing women hiding in feeding rooms to do it. I was in John Lewis the other day and saw a Dad sat outside the feeding area for a good 20 mins on his own, while his partner sat in there feeding. Personally I couldn't understand why anyone would do this (although I know that some people are too shy to do it in public) especially when the John Lewis cafe is very child friendly and there are always women breast feeding in there.

I agree with Lisa that it is a generation thing BUT my mum is in her 50s and she would have been butting in with you to have a go at these women, so it is really small mindedness. The fact that the daughter was agreeing was more worrying, but sadly quite common. At my ante natal group, I was the only one of 8 women who said I would breast feed in public.

I actually witnessed a similar thing a few years ago, and in hindsite i wish i had said something to back up the woman being targeted. i was in a cafe with a friend and a lady sat in the corner and started to feed her baby, you couldnt see one bit of flesh on her she was so discret. A man id say in his 50's went over to her and she very loudly it was a discusting and she should leave the house if shes breastfeeding. He was meaning so mean and the cafe when quite the staff were looking over but they didnt ask the man to calm down or leave.

That really impacted me and i said from then i didnt want to breastfeed. However my view changed when i got pregnant and i breastfed until my daughter was 7 and half months old. I did however never feed in public, i used to go and sit in the car and feed her. Why should women be made to feel like that, feel like they shouldnt be there. I know breastfeeding is not for some people but they shouldnt make people feel like me to scared that someone might start on me and start shouting at me.

I think its terrible, just dont look if its makes you uncomfortable aint it, she shouldnt have made a huge deal about it, as you said its natural.

Well done for sticking up for your wife and breastfeeding lol.
Just so you all know.. I have been back in there and fed again since :D
DebbieM said:
Just so you all know.. I have been back in there and fed again since :D

...and so you doing that in a way you have stuck two fingers up to some peoples narrow mindness and taken a stand for all breast feeding mothers...good for you! :cheer: :hug:
Good on you Matt for sticking up for your wife.

When I first had my daughter I was a little nervous about feeding her in public, but I soon realised it was the best thing i could do for her and was always out and about with a breast out and Phoebe attached to the end. I was lucky and never received any negative comments. In fact one of the first times I was out with her a women made a point of coming over to me telling me what a fantastic job I was doing and how happy she was to see me feeding in public. It was great to get such encouragement.

My funniest breastfeeding moment was being out with my in-laws and feeding my daughter, while feeding she latched off and my milk shot over and landed on my father-in-law, the look of shock on his face. Gave me a good old laugh though. :rotfl:

Forgot to say that I read an artical the other day saying that later on in the year, it will be legal for a mother to breastfeed her child in any public place up until the age of 6 months, which is good news and if your child is older than 6 months, how are they going to prove otherwise!!

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