Breast feeding - help needed


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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I am absolutlely desperate............
Grace is sleeping through the night which is fantastic - but it does mean that she tends to graze morning and evening ..... the problem is that I have really really sore nipples... it has got to the stage the it makes my eyes water when she latches on and the pain is unbearable.

I have tried loads of different feeding positions but they all hurt. I am determind not to give up breast feeding but things are getting really bad.. I think part of the problem is that Grace has problems latching on .. the first 4 days whe n she was born were dreadful and she lost over 1 lb in weight - eventually I had a friend come over who is a midwife to help me get things sorted. Since then things have been much better until yesterday when again Grace seems to have problems latching on again - my nipple can be right in her mouth and still she stuggles to find it........
but when she does - my goodness the pain !!!!!!!!!!!!
Please tell me that things will get better ?????????

any help woud be really appreciated.........
I have had similar problems all the way through and even now Logans latch isn't right. Having said that things should not be painful for you.

Yes if the latch is wrong then this will cause pain - perseverance and trial and error is the only thing to help with the latch ( I found that when things got really bad the only position that wasn't painful was lying down, alternating positions can sometimes help as it puts the focus of pain in a different not so sensitive area but often doesn't solve the problem) I would buy some Lanolin cream to apply after a feed or Kamilosan ( I prefer the kamilosan)

Do you find that your nipples are oddly shaped when your baby comes off? Mine used to look squashed and flat - a sure sign that the baby wasn't latching properly.......

Also it would be worth while talking to your HV about this as well, as it could be that you have thrush. Logan didn't have any symptoms of it - the only thing I had were sore nipples and I was prescribed some Daktarin for me and oral gel for Logan and things calmed down.

For me I still have pain on initial latching on but as I said Logans latch has never been good as he tends to nipple suck rather than getting a good mouthful. We persevered and I am happy to say that he is gaining weight and doing well.....

PS : One thing that really helped me was going along to a baby cafe that specialised in breastfeeding support - have a look to see if there is anything similar in your area, hands on help is often needed with latch issues.....


i would get in touch with la leche and make sure you have th attachment correct. Do you have a sure start in your area? they sometimes have breastfeeding advisors and support workers who would be willing to come to your home and check things are ok.

i get sore nipples in the first few days and i have in the past used a nipple shiled and found it to work VERY well. But mke sure if you do use one it is only used for a few days until the soreness has subsided.

I would also like to recommend Kamillosan cream. Its quite expensive but it can also be used as a nappy rash cream instead of the sudobreme which is more abrasive.
After a feed rub the kamillosan cream over your nipples (the nipples and the brown bit round it). Make sure your breast pads are changed frequently too to avoid dampness causing you sorenesss.
If you don't want to use any creams try rubbing breastmilk on your nipples after a feed. Just squeeze a bit out of you can and rub it over your nipples. This is a natural way of easing soreness.

I think for a few weeks you do get the ten second toe curler when starting to feed and this will subside. But you sohuldn't be dreading a feed. I hope things subside soon - im sure they will and you will then really enjoy and benefit from the joy and ease of breastfeeding. :hug:
I promise it will get better, now at 3 months Olivia can latch on funny and it doesnt hurt at all, my nipples have got used to it :lol:

lasinoh- lanolin is by far the best nipple cream u can have, you can leave it on aswell while bubba is feeding, if you put it on after every feed I will garentee your nips will be alot less sorer :D

I used Lansinoh cream too , it was fantastic and healed my nipples really quickly, you should be able to get it on prescription too, my midwife just phoned my doctor and ordered it for me.
You are still at the very early stages yet, you are doing a great job, I promise you it will get so much easier :hug: :hug: :hug:
I too was in alot of pain after 2 weeks as Brody wasn't latching on properly and there were chunks missing out of my nipples :oops:
I really didn't want to give up and my midwife recommended the Lansinoh nipple cream and nipple shields which have saved me!
I know a few people have told me shields can slow down the milk and a few people have told me it won't make a difference and I have found no difference at all and I wore them almost constantly until my nipples totally healed(3and a half weeks!) :oops:
Now I've stopped using them it seems he can latch on straight away most times! :cheer: It's as if they have taught him he needs his mouth open WIDE!! If they do get sore again though I would use them again for the odd feed to give them a rest!
If you are unsure of using the shields too much you could just use them every now and then to give your nipples a little break! :) Then stick some nipple cream on it really does help!
Hope things settle for you quickly! :hug:
thanks girls for all your advice ........... I have been away for a couple of days so unable to check replies until now........ nipples still very sore so will be off to Boots first thing tomorrow to get the shields and nipple cream...

I am determined not to give uo BF and will try anything to help...
Fiona said:
thanks girls for all your advice ........... I have been away for a couple of days so unable to check replies until now........ nipples still very sore so will be off to Boots first thing tomorrow to get the shields and nipple cream...

I am determined not to give uo BF and will try anything to help...

:hug: Good luck and if you need any help there are plenty here to lend a hand :hug:
I don't know if this will be any help but it may have something to do with the actual nipple size. I had huge problems with all my kids and this time around my midwife said my nipples were actually too big for the tiny baby's mouth! She said that by about six weeks the baby's mouth will be big enough and the problems may ease. If you can get through with a shield until then you may find things improve.

Good luck!
Yeah I was told this too

Aparently my nipples are very elastic and when Logan sucks they grow very long which used to make him gag - hence his preference for nipple sucking! :oops:
you might be right about the size of my nipples - they are huge !!!!

well, I am determined to persevere -will grina dn bear it for the moment

:) :) :)
Good on ya! :D
It may have something to do with nipple size as mine are quite big too! :oops:
Let us know how it goes! :)
Hi Fiona,

I had a huge deep open gash on both my nipples and i bought "Silverette" from they are little silver cups that you wear between feeds and i was completely healed within 48 hours like magic - never to be sore again. They are fantastic.

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