breast feeding classes


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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I've been told by my midwife about our local hospitals breast feeding classes, has anyone been to one of these and what is it like?
yes i went. it was quite useful, we watched videos and learned about expressing equipment and how to latch baby on, and how the breast works etc. it was a bit long (about 4 hours!) but its worth going if u wanna BF. x
i went to a breastfeeding "workshop" for a couple of hours, and there was also a bit about it in the baby basics workshop i went to. was quite useful, good to be able to ask questions too.
I should imagine it's quite nice to be able to interact with other new Mums too :)
At our antenatal classes the MW spoke about breastfeeding and how to do it, showed us a video etc. but now that the baby has been born I've been invited to a breastfeeding group which I might pop along to, really to meet new mums. This is organised by the HV / Surestart so have a chat with them perhaps.

might just go and check it out, the mw said it's about 3 hours.

i'll probably need all the help i can get..
i attended one at my old hospital.
very useful but i almost fell asleep because the woman was soooooo boring. but it was fun breastfeeding dolls :D
aww mid :hug: :hug: I'm going to come to you for advice as they don't do classes here
I don't know if Finn's suck has got more powerful but it doesn't half hurt when he 1st latches on at the moment!
I have no idea,I never went to one,but I have to give a little talk and demonstration at one soon :shock: :shock:

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