

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Hiya girls, hope you are all well?

Well, today I've been having mild tightenings all over my bump and some mild period pains at the base of my bump. They only last roughly less than a minute, but I've been getting them quite regularly - about every 30 mins or so. Are they just Braxtons, or a sign of something more??? My bump has deffo dropped......

It's wishful thinking really!!!
Got my fingers crossed for you hun :hug: but I'm not gona get you too excited because I've had at least 2 days this week where I've had strong, mildly painful and regular bh's for a period of an hour or so....and then it vanished :wall: :lol:
Hey chick, thanks!! I've woken up a few times in the night with period type pains, mild to moderate pain. Irregular at the moment. No show or waters breaking......I really must sound like I'm worrying about nothing!! Husband's at work, just rang him coz I can't sleep. He said to ring midwife if I keep getting the pains.
Oh and the cat won't leave me alone - do you think she knows? :lol:
If it is the real thing, I'm flippin scared and not ready!!!!!! Although I can't wait to meet our daughter!
Oh how exciting!! Id ring the hospital to check. I was chatting to my mate about her labour yesterday and she didnt have a show or her waters breaking.

Ive always followed your baby as you are slightly infornt of me so when you give birth i know its closer for me!! Cant wait!

Claire x
My hubby tells me off because I always shrugs off pains and feeling shitty etc as 'part of the joys of pregnancy' and he thinks I should check with midwives and the hospital more :lol: And to make matters worse one of the hospital midwives backed him up on this the other day :rotfl: It's the only reason I went in for monitoring yesterday :oops:

Your symptoms all sound the same as mine. Been especially bad the last week and although my cervix is still closed the babies been fully engaged the whole time so midwife has advised it shouldn't be much longer :pray: :D Definainately more likely to be on time than over due.

Lets hope you're the same :hug:
Hi im exactly 1 week behind you, and i feel the same , in the last 2 days Ive had a lot of painfull braxtons and bump is really hard and sore. This is my 2nd lo and dont remember it last time, I just felt unwell for about 2 hours then got diorrhea sp, then bad pains and he born 2 hours later. No show, breaking waters etc, so everyone can be really different !
Hi girls, hope you are all feeling OK.
Well this morning I got up at 10am after having some more period type pains again while sleeping. It's not too bad, but I'm kinda on tenterhooks. I had some breakfast and went back to bed and dozed for a while. Dave was on nights so he was asleep til about midday. When he got up, I began to feel really out of sorts and not that well. Felt sick and needed the loo to poo (sorry TMI). Went to the loo but didn't do much! Had my bath and got up and about to do stuff to take my mind off BH and worrying!! Feel bit better but no appetite for food whatsoever! Bump is still going hard at intervals but not painful. Baby is kicking too. Not noticed any plug yet and no waters have broken. I guess it might be like this for a while................. :wall:
I had sex on sunday (sorry TMI again), so I'm wondering if that's started to move things now?
I've not rang the labour ward as I'm sure they'll tell me it's nothing so I'm just chilling out at home. I wish my mum was here though, but she lives a 2 hours drive away in the Midlands and can't leave my dad at the moment coz he can't drive due to brain tumour causing him to have fits and needs mum to drive him about.
Oh I'm probably worrying about nothing!! But I'm pretty convinced that Isla will make an apperance on time or early....
You sound like I've been for the past few days..... just generally not feeling 100%. Can't say exactly why but just not right. I've lost my plug this morning and I'm just starting to get mild contractions. I've just seen the MW and she's said I'm in the latent phase and to keep my fingers crossed that it's going to go quickly.

Funny you should say about your cat dog has been really wierd all week. Won't leave me alone, he's just not content to sit by my side he's got to actually been sitting on me and he's hardly eaten a thing. I'm sure animals knowthat something is happening.

hopefully your plug will go soon and you'll be on your way


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