Braxton Hicks

Yeah Laura! If your tummy goes hard for no reason it sounds like BH!!

DOH!!! Only this morning I was saying to OH that the baby has started to move differently over the past few days and I can feel her sticking her bum or head or shoulder out and my stomach feels much harder. So this is different to what I imagined :wall:
Oh I'm really paranoid I'm worried that all the times I sit and feel the baby moving its actually BH's?! But he moves around and I can see and feel him rolling/poking about in there and its usually a few times in one go. BH's aren't like this are they?? Sometimes my belly does go hard but thats it there's no pain or anything or movements with it. Now I'm scared I dont feel the baby move as often a day as I should :( x
try not to worry, im the same, but i can feel baby moving about for def, as i can feel the limbs jabbin me and poking out my side!

im sure its a mixture of both hun..... :think: gotta be!
Some confusion is going on here.

Your baby moving....tends to be your baby moving.
BH are tightenings of the uterus.

As your baby grows, at times it is possible to see where its bum is or an elbow is. This is not a BH, its seeing bubs.

I guess some people see a shape when they have a BH, as the stomach tightens in, it hugs the baby. Very similar to what happens to bubs when you orgasm. It can set of BH. Does not hurt bubs at all.

I hope some of you feel less in a fluster now :lol:
Zobo said:
try not to worry, im the same, but i can feel baby moving about for def, as i can feel the limbs jabbin me and poking out my side!

im sure its a mixture of both hun..... :think: gotta be!

When I feel baby move (I hope it is now anyway!) it doesnt tighten, I just literally feel kicking against my tummy or watch it poke out a few times or even roll from one bit to another, please someone tell me these aren't BH feelings??xx
i do get braxton hicks but they arent painful in the slightest more uncomfortable than anything, my bump just goes rock hard
So BH's are basically just your tummy going hard and perhaps shoeing a pointy shape?! Nothing to do with feeling the baby actually moving/kicking?! Sorry Im just worrying myself silly over this now.x
Like I said, the pointy shape probably is the baby. This is because as the uterus contracts it hugs the baby. When the baby is moving, thats a totally different thing!

Laura, I assure you....there is absolutely nothing to worry about :hug:
fuffins1981 said:
Like I said, the pointy shape probably is the baby. This is because as the uterus contracts it hugs the baby. When the baby is moving, thats a totally different thing!

Laura, I assure you....there is absolutely nothing to worry about :hug:

Thanks fuffins, Ive really sent myself into a panic over this, OH thinks Im being silly but after the MW said I have to feel baby at least 10 times a day now, and I knew I was definately feeling him more than this, hearing that some of them may actually be BH not baby moving made me really worried! I wish I didnt read these things sometimes I end up worrying myself over everything!xx
Your MW has suggested the old fashioned way of checking bubs laura. Most hospitals now recommend that you decide if the baby has moved as it normally would. Some babies move lots, some don't. So, the 10 movements would cause concern for some mothers, if that is all that happened.

So, simply get to know what is natural for your baby. Get to know bubs pattern and then be happy with that. Like, is your baby quiet in the morning, but gets jiggy around lunch.....?

I promise you, you certainly will learn to determine the difference between BH and movement. Movement is the rolling kicks and punches. BH make tummy feel tight and a little heavy. Like a dragging, pulling sensation. Often without pain though :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks :hug: I'm starting to feel happy again now as when I feel him move it really is like a movement or kick and can be seen/felt from the outside so I'm sure these are not BH's and they are always at various points during day/night when I sit down or lie down and relax. I wish I wasn't such a worrier but I guess I'm gonna be worried forever now even when he's 18 so may as well get used to it!!xx
laura23yrs said:
Thanks :hug: I'm starting to feel happy again now as when I feel him move it really is like a movement or kick and can be seen/felt from the outside so I'm sure these are not BH's and they are always at various points during day/night when I sit down or lie down and relax. I wish I wasn't such a worrier but I guess I'm gonna be worried forever now even when he's 18 so may as well get used to it!!xx

It is natural to worry. I get into panics with this bubs and still do with my 5 year old. nearly 6 years on and I got hyperventilate with worry :) It is a moms job to worry, like you said, even when they are 18 (and beyond that I fear) :hug:
I have never had Braxton hicks! :( i wonder if I will this time? Unlikely I guess if I never did with the 3 before!! :wink:
lea m said:
I have never had Braxton hicks! :( i wonder if I will this time? Unlikely I guess if I never did with the 3 before!! :wink:

I didn't last time, but I have this time. They are obviously not an essential part of pregnancy :)

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