Braxton Hicks


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I just wondered how often getting Braxton Hicks is a "normal" amount or an "average" amount..

..The reason I ask is because I've recently started getting them but I've had about 4 or 5 in the last hour and a half... I usually have about 6 per day for the last few days... They're not painful or anything so I feel calm about it, just wondered if it's normal?

It doesn't indicate that I'm going to have her early or anything does it?

I bet you lot get sick of me with all these questions!! xx
dannii87 said:
I just wondered how often getting Braxton Hicks is a "normal" amount or an "average" amount..

..The reason I ask is because I've recently started getting them but I've had about 4 or 5 in the last hour and a half... I usually have about 6 per day for the last few days... They're not painful or anything so I feel calm about it, just wondered if it's normal?

It doesn't indicate that I'm going to have her early or anything does it?

I bet you lot get sick of me with all these questions!! xx

On the same subject, I haven't had any or at least none that I've noticed. What do yours feel like Dannii?? And do you think its normal to not get them??xx
On the same subject, I haven't had any or at least none that I've noticed. What do yours feel like Dannii?? And do you think its normal to not get them??xx

same here...i don't think I've had them! I did look it up on google tho and apparently some people don't get them or notice they have them so I think it is ok. :think:

So I'm sorry danii-I can't help you on how often you should get them-I'm sure it'll be fine tho if they aren't painful. :hug:
i didn't realise i was having braxton hicks until being in and out of hospital for high BP and being hooked up to the CTG/trace machines.

they measure uterine activity too, and it turns out i have loads of them frequently, but i can't really feel them :? sometimes with the bigger ones i feel my stomach going a bit tight, but no pain at all. the midwives weren't concerned, they kept asking if i could feel them, when i said no they just said if i get any pain with them then it may be the real thing.. but i've never had painful ones yet :D

keep an eye out for any pain hun :hug: our bodies are obv just prepping up for the real deal :wink:
I have some days when i get a lot of them and other days when I get hardly any. I'd not be too concerned unless they start becoming regular. I've found that if I'm dehudrated they increase in amount an also if I need to wee they seem to occur and also if I lie down.

The amount I get is usually between 2 - 8 a day. Just call MW or the delivery suite i you become concerned.

For Laura and Sarah- it kind of feels like your belly tensing, it doesn't hurt though it just feels very hard, like you've got a bowling ball under your skin. My belly also goes a funny shape, it gets a bit pointy :D

Alex xxx
Thanks girls!! I know it's normal not to get them, you probably are getting them but not noticing :hug:

ASD123456 said:
For Laura and Sarah- it kind of feels like your belly tensing, it doesn't hurt though it just feels very hard, like you've got a bowling ball under your skin. My belly also goes a funny shape, it gets a bit pointy :D

Alex xxx

Yeah!! And do you notice you can almost feel/see where the baby is laying?! It's so wierd...

...I'm not getting any pain or anything so I think all is ok, I'll just mention it to my MW on Thursday but I'm sure she'll say the same as you girls :hug:
Hi Hun

I have been getting alot and they have been a litle bit painful! Ive had them since 15 weeks but this is my 2nd, i went to my GP and he said its perfectl normally!

Keep an eye on it and if they get worse/painful then call your midwife.

x x x xx
i had my first 'painful ' one yesturday whilst i was walking around next! lol didnt really hurt but feel like it was tensing the skin too tight
ASD123456 said:
I have some days when i get a lot of them and other days when I get hardly any. I'd not be too concerned unless they start becoming regular. I've found that if I'm dehudrated they increase in amount an also if I need to wee they seem to occur and also if I lie down.

The amount I get is usually between 2 - 8 a day. Just call MW or the delivery suite i you become concerned.

For Laura and Sarah- it kind of feels like your belly tensing, it doesn't hurt though it just feels very hard, like you've got a bowling ball under your skin. My belly also goes a funny shape, it gets a bit pointy :D

Alex xxx

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH! I've said that i've not had any but if that's what they are then I've had LOADS! Lol. I always thought it was baby just moving to the front and sitting funny - my belly looks a bit like an egg when it happens. But maybe they are BH then!!!!

P.S don't worry Dannii, it doesn't matter how many you get as long as they aren't like every 10 minutes for a few hours and they don't hurt much xxx
Hi Dannii,

I think it is fairly normal to get them at your stage. From what I've been told, as long as they're not very painful or carry on for longer than an hour then there should be no problem. I was getting a lot the week before last - mw said they were quite strong (and I was having pain) and told me to slow down (not too easy with 2 kids, huh!!!) but now I've been taking it easier they've calmed right down. I'd say if you're getting a lot try taking things a bit slower.

All the best,
BabyBee said:
ASD123456 said:
For Laura and Sarah- it kind of feels like your belly tensing, it doesn't hurt though it just feels very hard, like you've got a bowling ball under your skin. My belly also goes a funny shape, it gets a bit pointy :D

Alex xxx

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AH! I've said that i've not had any but if that's what they are then I've had LOADS! Lol. I always thought it was baby just moving to the front and sitting funny - my belly looks a bit like an egg when it happens. But maybe they are BH then!!!!

im the same...... loads of times during the day my belly goes like an egg shape and ive always thought it was babys bum sticking out, coz i used to softly patt it!!!!
Derrrrrrrr have i been pattin my braxton hicks!!! what a divvy!!! :oops: :rotfl:
im the same...... loads of times during the day my belly goes like an egg shape and ive always thought it was babys bum sticking out, coz i used to softly patt it!!!!

Me too!! I'm still not convinced I get them..but I was thinking about it last night and thinking I wonder if when my baby moves and sticks it's bum out more than ususal thats a braxton must be!!! I just thought baby was changing position and my belly was hard cos there was no room. :think:
:think: ??????? indeed!!!!

I wonder if babys bum gets pushed out when the BH hits??
Ive just had about 3 and ive watched it each time and it moves about when it sticks out!!!

Im confused.... baby or BH??? :lol:
Ah well.......
Well if it is I get tons of them a day...too many to count! Good job they don't hurt.
yeh i get loads too.... they dont hurt as much, but they make me stop what im doing..... they make me hold my breath while it passes, altho i really should breathe though it!!
sarah and zoe - i thought it was baby sticking out as well! but it's defo braxton hicks :rotfl:

i felt a right div when the midwife told me :doh:
There is no definative amount. Some people get loads, others only a few, some none at all. Having lots is no indication your baby will arrive early. Or late. Or anything else :)

Just your body practiscing for labour is all :)
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
So we're secret BH-ers! Well I never! I've also been patting my BH and cooing at them. LMAO! Oh dear.
lmao..... :rotfl:

i feel a right plonker now, ive had everyone at work over the past few months feeling it when it does that, sayin..... awww look at it poking its bum out at ya!!!!!!! :oops: :rotfl:
I'm confused now! I definately get the baby moving and notice it stick out occasionally but this is usually when he is moving around, so whats the BH and whats the baby just moving?! There must be alot of times when it is just baby moving surely?? My tummy does go hard sometimes for no reason though are these the BH's? :? x

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