Braxton Hicks


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2014
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im 36 weeks and not noticed having any braxton hicks. will it be obvious? should i worry if i maybe haven't had any?
Is it your first?
Apparently first timers don't often get them anyway but even mums to many babies have never experienced rhem.
Some do some don't it's really nothing to worry about :)
I never had any wih my first, I get tons wih this one and they will both have been born by section as it's impossible for me to labour naturally. It means nothing :)
With my first I only got them when I held off going to the toilet lol.

Not had any yet during this pregnancy x
I had them towards the end of my first pregnancy but have been getting them since about 20 weeks in this pregnancy. Mine are quite obvious my tummy goes rock hard and it almost takes my breath away. Feels like cramp lol x
In my first I didn't really notice them much. This is my third pregnancy and they are very uncomfortable at times!

Apparently most people have them, but they just aren't noticeable. So maybe you just aren't feeling them?
yeah this is my first. i know baby gets hiccups alot i feel sorry for her lol. seems like she gets them alot!
One of the ladies around here is on like her fifth pregnancy and swears she's never had a single hick.

I didn't notice them with my first.
Imagine a pretty much perfect labour and birth... That's what I had.

I've had a few on and of with this one.

Don't worry about it hon xx
I'm pretty sure I've had them...not painful contractions as such, just really hard belly. It can be a little uncomfortable but not painful..
I didn't have any braxton hicks with my first. But I'm getting them a lot this time around. I don't think everyone gets them.
I didn't get them until 37 weeks with my first. I've had them since about 24 weeks this time.
I started to get these around 20 weeks with my third (this one) and with my last two about 30 weeks x
I've had nothing that I'd say fits the desciption of Braxton hicks, now at nearly 36 weeks. Midwife always asks if i have had them and when i say no she has said not everyone will get them or necessarily be aware of them that much, just depends and not to worry if not had them. So i'm holding on to that. Although part of me would like to know my body is having a bit of a practise ready for the big day....or maybe I should think of it as saving itself for the big day haha!

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