Braxton Hicks


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2005
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Please can someone tell me what Braxton hicks feel like?

I keep getting this really strange sensation at the top of my uterus and I'm not sure if it's the baby's bottom pushing upwards towards my ribs or if it's braxton hicks. It doesn't hurt it just feels like my stomach is being squashed upwards. It does feel hard when it happens but that could be part of the baby.

Any ideas?
Afraid I can't help you, but I'm curious to know what Braxton Hicks feel like. I get an ache across my lower belly sometimes and when I touch it it's all hard, but it doesn't feel how I'd imagine BH to feel. Mind, the baby moving inside of me doesn't feel how I'd imagined it to feel so what do I know ;o)
Braxton Hicks feel soooooo strange!

They make your tummy go all hard and bunch up. To see if it's baby or your uterus making your tummy go hard though, try laying down when it next happens and then you'll be able to feel where baby is laying.

They should essentially be painless, but as you get bigger than can become quite uncomfortable. They don't change your cervix and aren't related to labour contractions really. They are just good old practice.

Hope that helps hun. xx
If you wanna know anymore, I seem to know loads now. I spent lots of time looking up the difference between them and real contractions whilst in hospital.
Its diffrent for everyone babe, we all have diffrent shape bodies so some will feel it more stronger than others.

i have been having them since quite early on in this pregnancy, to me they feel like someone has there hands around my belly and they are squezeing it inwards, i dont get a "bunching up feeling" tho
My tummy goes very hard, and sometimes i get teh feeling that everything is pushing down, like i have to shut my legs in case it all falls out lol

midwife say they are not meant to hurt, but sometimes they can, and towards teh end of your pregnacy they can sometimes feel like real contractions, not full blown strong ones, but it does make you stop and breathe.

For me my whole uterus area tightens right up and my stomach goes rock hard (and looks bigger!). Sometimes I find it hard to catch my breath as they really take my breath away and make it hard to breathe. Lately they've been hurting the whole way round my belly and back and I have been getting some combined with periody pains in my tum and back. My upper thighs also hurt when I get a really bad one. I think they've gotten worse since I started the raspberry leaf tea, so I've cut back on it.
Thanks everyone :D

Layla - it does feel a bit like that. I think maybe the baby is moving and it's starting the contractions off and that's why I can't quite work out what's going on.
Louise, you will prob find they will get more often and stronger from now on, they get really annoying lol
I definately agree with annoying. I get panicked everytime I feel one as I have to write them down. But the baby moving sometimes starts mine off aswell - so you're not alone there!
I'm having a lot more with this (my second) pregnancy than last time.

If in doubt, when you get a funny tight feeling, poke your tummy and if it's hard then it's a braxton hicks.
I'm sorry to go very much off the topic here but Urchin I have just realised after months of convincing myself I wasn't going mad that your picture does infact change colour and have slightly different pictures!! :roll: :lol:
I'm ever so slow these days !!

Just read the stretch mark alphabet - Yolande :wink:

How are ya braxtons? x

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