Braxton Hicks?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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Hey ladies. Today I've had some weird feelings with my bump. It hasn't been painful, but it keeps going very tight and has only hurt when Acey's moved during it (it's happened five times, lasting about ten/fifteen minutes). Is it braxton hicks or am I too early on for that? If its not, does anyone know what it could be? Xxx
Hey hun x

I get these pains when my bump goes tight and i found mainly more after food or late in evening or when i have done alot and resting if your worrying about it hun ring your midwife x

31 weeks pregnant. Team yellow!
Thank you ladies. I was just worried in case it's too early for them x
You can get Braxton hicks from very early in pg, just most people don't feel them. I had lots from before 20weeks. Xxx
hi im tri jumping lol just wanted to say u can get braxton hicks from any time during pregnancy so long as they rnt realy painfull and regular xxx
hi im tri jumping lol just wanted to say u can get braxton hicks from any time during pregnancy so long as they rnt realy painfull and regular xxx

Braxton hicks can be very painful - trust me!! you only need to worry if they become regular or increase in strength
I've just started getting BHs that I can feel, like you say it feels like all my muscles in my belly feel like they're going really tight (even though its my uterus) and bump goes really hard.

They don't hurt though, at the most I've had a sensation of intense stretching.
Do you get them often? :)

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