Braxton Hicks?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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Hey ladies. Today I've had some weird feelings with my bump. It hasn't been painful, but it keeps going very tight and has only hurt when Acey's moved during it (it's happened five times, lasting about ten/fifteen minutes). Is it braxton hicks or am I too early on for that? If its not, does anyone know what it could be? Xxx
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I never had one yet but from other girls description it sounds like it is? How about you ask at trimester 3 also? Make a thread there as girls there experience those much more often than we do.
I think I saw someone else lately here posting about those at about same week as you
Hey lovely! I haven't had these before thankfully (I'm sure it's a bit scary) but from the way u describe it it's what my mum said braxton hicks are like. I think posting in tri 3 is a good idea as more of those ladies have probably been there. Hope you're ok and not worrying xxxx
ive also got this and put in down to BH x
I had BH last week and from what you've described, sounds about the same x

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Hey sweety is this what u were worried about? Just seen this from my journal, does sound like bh can u speak to ur mw at all? Xxxx hope ur ok

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Hi! Sounds like it could be BH, its not too early either, I've read you can get them from 16 weeks or so. If it gets painful then I would suggest that you contact your mw, but otherwise no reason to worry.

Hope you are well.
Thanks girls and yeah Lynette it was. Had it again in the night, but for longer, about 25 minutes. It took me ages to go back to sleep, now I'm sat in Spanish wishing for my bed! :( so so tired xx

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