Braxton hicks orrr?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Iv been waiting up tonight for my bf to get home from work, st on the sofa and my bump will feel reaaaly tight and like a contraction comes for like 15 seconds. iv had 4 of them now in 10 minutes. and my back hurts nd feel a bit sick.
is this normal? sorry im paniking as i didnt get this with my son. x
Hey! :wave:

The reason i am awake now is because of Braxton Hicks lol.

I remember reading somewhere that you can feel them more with other pregnancies. before i went into labour with my son i was ocnvinced i was starting labour as they came every 5 mins, but it wasnt the real deal for me.

that said, if you are in pain, i would try and rest in bed and sleep a little, and see how you feel in the morning.

Take care xxx
Okay thank you :)
Sorry I proberly over reacted, I just never had them before and it freaked me out lol
They went after about half an hour, but had alot of them in that time, I dont like theemmm :( lol
im getting it at work but its only when Im at work on my feet n its sooo uncomfortable x
hey hun, i have had braxton hicks for weeks now... u start getting them from 6 weeks although we dont feel it till much later... well some earlier than others... its actually doing my head in now and quite uncomfy.....My mw did say to me tho if they become frequent and more than 4 or 5 an hour then to let her no... im not sure if this is coz i have complications as it is or if everyone should let her no... dont panic tho hun im not a trained health care provider so what im syaing may only have been aimed at
Don't worry, I get these all the time, but I got myself worried last week as I was getting them every few mins for two days! and at one point it go stuck tight for a good 10 mins! I thought something was going on. I nearly posted on here as your doing, asking for advice. I didn't as I went on google and lots of the issue seemed to be about dehydration being a cause of these becomeing more frequent. I hadn't drunk loads those two days, and so I started drinking more again, and the next day they were better and now back to normal frequency.

You shouldn't get pain, just can be a bit uncomfy, but maybee h back acheyou had was from being tight at the front, as the back then supports the tum, as a knock on effect.

They are supposed to get better with movement, but as soon as I get up from my desk to walk to the loo or printer or tea area, I get one! strange!
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im gettin that now, its really fascinating........i spent 3mins poking n prodding the hard bit lol
its so cool. my tummy looked like something out of aliens.....but i like it.
I haven't had any braxton hicks yet!! I want some! Lol. X
its weird but cool.....wen u get it at first u prob wont like it.....then it becomes fascinating lol

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