BP experiences??


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2016
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Hi everyone,

After spending all night with a pounding headache, then taking paracetamol at 6am because I'd had enough, I went to the docs to get my BP checked to be on the safe side as 2 hrs after painkillers most of the pain was gone but I still didn't feel 100%. I've had swollen hands and feet for a few days but I've put this down to the ridiculous heat as they swell up and come down of their own accord throughout the day/night.

My BP was 131/94. The nurse said the 94 is a bit high and has passed my notes onto an on-call doctor who should ring me back if they want to take any further action (e.g. Appt or such like).

What are your experiences? Is it anything to worry about?

I'm 37+6 today.

Thanks in advance!
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I was almost the same as you with my daughter, but didn't have a headache, just a dull chest pain.
My bp was high, my bottom reading was over 100, so they sent me into be monitored - I would imagine it's what they may do with you.
I was checked over, bloods and urine, and I had quite severe pre eclampsia! I was already dilated, so they broke my waters, put me on the drip, and 6 hours later, out she came!

Mine was quite urgent, and everything worked out fine in the end. You should defo go and get checked out - I had protein in my urine, and all my blood levels were going the wrong way so they got it early, oh, only downside, I ended up in hospital for 5 days afterwards!
Good luck - and hope this hasn't panicked you!
Wow that all seems like it happened very quickly! A good job they acted so fast then! Glad everything worked out fine for you, shame about the 5 days stay tho! I've not had bloods or urine checked by the nurse, but I did just drop in and ask that my BP was done so maybe she didn't think to check them.

Thanks for your advice, I might ring my MAU if the on-call doctor isn't much help. I just don't feel 100% and I generally don't tend to get headaches very often, so that was the main reason I was concerned. Thank you! X
I had high BP with my first and a racing heart rate. I was told to go in and be monitored and every time this happened I would have been at work and as I was monitored it would slowly drop back down to normal levels. They concluded that my work was causing me to get to stressed (secondary school teacher) and I ended up deciding to stop work at 36 weeks rather than the 37 I had planned x
I had a very high reading a week before my DD. I ended up in hospital for the entire week and was induced a day before my DD.

They couldn't tell me why this was happening, and I hardly had any symptoms.

I got a funny look when I first told them I am worried about my BP after checking it on my own monitor. They told me these were not reliable and there is no point using them and panicking. Then they check my BP and went 'oh actually it is pretty high!'. So I would say look at your BP monitor from time to time...

We were both fine at the end xx
I've had high BP in both previous pregnancies and each time it was ignored. This time I kicked up a fuss and am now on aspirin to thin my blood and keep my BP down. Definitely better to get checked, glad they're keeping on top of it for you

Well the docs rang back and told me to ring my MAU immediately. Midwives at MAU weren't concerned, said they normally say anything above 130/90 is high, and as mine was 131/94 then it was only slightly high. She also wasn't concerned as I don't have any other symptoms and because my headache went away with painkillers and the swelling in my hands/feet goes away and isn't permanent. However have been advised to book with my midwife tomorrow to get it checked again and have my urine checked too. So hopefully that gives me more answers!

Thanks so much ladies! X
I had pregnancy induced hypertension right at the end of my pregnancy. I was monitored with bp checks, urine and blood tests.

Once I had my daughter my bp was still raised so I was put on medication to help stabilise it.

As my bloods etc were OK, I wasn't induced but was given a sweep, which incidentally did get things going.

I had high bp at all my hospital appointments and 'normal' bp every time I had a home visit. Hospitals stress me out! In labour it went very high and I had to take pills for it, whether it did anything I'm not sure as I was sick shortly afterwards and most likely brought them back up. They didn't give me any more and he was born not too long afterwards, then my bp went back down to my normal. The most annoying thing was having to have my bp taken all the time while in labour, it irritated my arm so much I begged them to get it off me!
I had high bp at all my hospital appointments and 'normal' bp every time I had a home visit. Hospitals stress me out! In labour it went very high and I had to take pills for it, whether it did anything I'm not sure as I was sick shortly afterwards and most likely brought them back up. They didn't give me any more and he was born not too long afterwards, then my bp went back down to my normal. The most annoying thing was having to have my bp taken all the time while in labour, it irritated my arm so much I begged them to get it off me!

I can relate, at the hospital my bp and heartbeat are always so high and t home or anywhere else are always normal. I am so scared now about how I will go though labour..Last week I had 140/80 bp in the hospital, in half an hour at home it was 100/65.. I guess I just have to try to keep calm.
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Thanks so much ladies! I've been to midwife today to get my BP checked again and it's gone back down now!! Also they didn't find any protein in my urine either so signs are looking good! Apparently it can sometimes just go a bit high towards the end of pregnancy? I don't know haha! Been told to keep an eye out for any pre-eclampsia symptoms and call them if anything changes/worries me.

I've also known my BP to go up when I'm stressed, so maybe feeling rubbish just had me on edge worrying about the baby! Bodies do the funniest things! X
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Ah, that's good, glad it came back down.

I will say I had no symptoms as such with my pre eclampsia - I had no headaches, no swelling, just what I thought was heartburn. So, keeping an eye out for symptoms is not as easy as it sounds! But a quick check of urine, etc, should confirm/deny it pretty quickly. If it was just elevated blood pressure, you are probably right, it could just be the general crappniess of being heavily pregnant, lol!

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