Boys VS Girls


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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When did your LOs start to walk/crawl? I was wondering if theres much of a difference between when girls start and boys start to walk :think:

I know I have ages to wait, Riley can only hold his head up/smile/stare at his hands!! :lol:
Paris didn't walk until she was almost two but she has autism so I can't really compare. I can say harrison has advanced her though
Theres not really a difference in sexes where walking is concerning imo... Tia was just 8 months when she started walking...yet lil miss is 8 months and is only just learning to pull herself up on furniture... so the difference between two girls is astonishing.

However, in terms of talking and verbal skills... Girls display in general far greater skills than boys which translates through their lives and into adulthood. Although there will be exceptions to the rule as in all things :)
I cant compare my two as Stephen has autism as well but Imogen was 11mnoths when she started to pull herself up but she can walk now, just needs to let go of the furniture!
My LO is a lazy bean, he only sat up by himself when he was about 9 months old, started crawling at about 10 months and is still not walking alone now!

He'll get there when he's ready, I do think from experience with friends and family that generally girls tend to do things before boys do.

Brody took his first unaided steps at 13 months but didn't walk confidently until around 14/15 months
Freya has been crawling since she was 6 months old & is now cruising around the furniture.

Whereas her cousin of the same age & her lil boyfriend whose a month younger (both boys) aren't even crawling yet. Also at playgroup the boys all seem so laid back & happy to just sit there but the girlies are wild & always on the move.

Just my experiences though so dunno. :? :?
abigail was walking at 10 months
tia ws 11 months
jordan was 15 months
hayden was 15 months
boys are so lazy :lol:
Lola started walking unaided at 11 months but her male cousin who is 1 week older has been walking since about 9.5 months.

He did everything before Lola apart from sitting unaided. He's just so strong and determined 8)
Tyler started crawling properly between 6.5 and 7 months, he had been going backwards for weeks beforehand but couldnt figure out how to go forwards :lol: It was really funny to watch! He then cruised around the furniture from about 10 months, but didnt attempt to walk unaided until a week before his first birthday. He was pretty strong on his feet by then after holding onto stuff for so long so picked it up really quickly.

Ive heard that boys are usually more physically advanced than girls, whereas girls grasp language quicker. Not sure its entirely true though, just another old wives tale probably!! :roll:
charlotte crawled before ted. i was adament she would be walking by 9 months but she wasnt untill 15 months.. teds crawling now and hes just gone 9 months..
connor's been commando crawling since 5 months and has just started pulling himself up to standing on any available piece of furniture.

my brother never crawled (he bum shuffled from about 11 months) - and started walking when he was 2!
I dont think ryan will be walking till he's about 5 years old to be honest! lol he's just so laid back and is happy to roll around on the floor! He hasn't once stood on his feet! I try to get him to stand but he just lifts his legs up lol
Kyla was 7 1/2 months when she started crawling and walking the week before her first birthday. My nephew didnt walk til he was 18months cant remember when he started crawling tho.l
Ellies crawling and pulling herself up on the furniture, she gets cocky and lets go but then wobbles and falls over :lol:
leland crawled just before 8 months but had been going backwards from before 7 months. his also pulling himself up easily now , walking with assisted fingers / walker .
Willow started crawling at 10 months and walked unaided at 14 months.

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