All mummies who had bum shufflers and not crawlers


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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To all mummies who had Bum shufflers and not crawlers, what age did you LO walk?

I went to HV to get DS weighed and asked her about his crawling, he only army crawls and half bum shuffles and half crawls (its hard to explain - he goes on one knee in crawling position, the other leg extended out to the side and uses that foot to push him along, but every few seconds sits on his bum :roll: men) and she said ''just to warn you if he isnt crawling propery now and bum shuffels/army crawls, then he probably never will crawl or walk till he is 2'' :shock: :shock: :shock:

Next she said ''does he walk when you hold his hands'' I said he does and also pulls him self up on anything and walks (abeit very slowly) round it (usually onlu if there is something Ive moved out of his reach!) so she goes ''oh eh 'might' be ok then but still be delayed''

Now Im really worried he is going to be a slow developer with walking so any other bum shufflers when did they walk please re assure me!!????
my oldest was like this hun he never crawled he discovered he could roll to get where he wanted to go and refused to try crawling wouldnt sit up either he was awful :( he started pulling himself up and walking around the furniture at 11 months so we thought it wouldnt be long then at 11 and a half months he took a few steps on his own and fell over and didnt walk again on his own till 18 months :shock: we thought he would never do it
and it seems like christopher is going to be the same he is quite late developing already he only started crawling a few weeks ago he can sit up for ages but once he gets down to crawling position he cant sit back up and he cant be left on his own sat up because when he decides hes had enough of sitting he just leans back and hits his head its driving me mad
he hasnt started pulling himself up against the furniture yet but he will walk with his walker or if i hold both his hands
so all in all i think hes going to be a very late walker :( xxxxxxxx
I don't know the exact amount of months but I can find out, but my OH was apparently a bum shuffler and he walked before age of 1. I don't know how much before 1, but she (OH's mum) said at 1 he was able to run, so... that probly doesn't help much I just wanted to say.
jaydes the same hun she like bum shuffles trys to crawl but gets one leg stuck i would love to hear what replies you get
jennywren said:
''just to warn you if he isnt crawling propery now and bum shuffels/army crawls, then he probably never will crawl or walk till he is 2'' :shock: :shock: :shock:

Personally I think thats a load of bull! My little brother never crawled but then on his first birthday he got up and walked across the room. Bare in mind though some boys can be very lazy when it comes to learning new things, he may be a little bit behind but its common for boys to be.

Stanley was a pure comedy bum shuffler. He never crawled but started walking properly at about 14 months old.
Minxy said:

Stanley was a pure comedy bum shuffler. He never crawled but started walking properly at about 14 months old.

:D I like this reply!!

Loads of people said talking bollocks part lol - I dont think ill ask them owt again - just go to get him weighed once a month or every few months and jabs - tut tut tut health visitor
I'm sorry... but he's only 10 months old so is anything BUT delayed... the average age for a baby walking is 14 months... so he's got a while yet...

Tia walked at 9 months but that was advanced... and we completely skipped the crawling stage all together.. apparently theres no time for them to learn it. But saying that she didn't talk till 2 1/2 years...

Babies do things in their own time... but I wouldn't listen to your HV tbh... sounds like shes just scaring you for no reason. He'll get there in his own time

Thanks squiglet :hug:

Oh is panicking and saying we will have to hold his hands to walk all the time lol
according to my oh who is a hip surgeon it is better for their hip joint development if they dont walk until after 1 year (obviously you cant do anything about it if the child decides to be independent and go for it at an earlier age but you shouldnt encourage them to walk too much or worry that they arent walking) My dd was a bum shuffler - she walked at around 18 months - ds1 crawled and walked at 19 months - the next ds crawled and walked at 14 months - children are all different - your child is making an attempt to get around the best way for him - at this stage I would only worry if a child was making no attempt to move at all - obviously not what is happeneing here - so dont worry :)
nikkimitch said:
according to my oh who is a hip surgeon it is better for their hip joint development if they dont walk until after 1 year (obviously you cant do anything about it if the child decides to be independent and go for it at an earlier age but you shouldnt encourage them to walk too much or worry that they arent walking) My dd was a bum shuffler - she walked at around 18 months - ds1 crawled and walked at 19 months - the next ds crawled and walked at 14 months - children are all different - your child is making an attempt to get around the best way for him - at this stage I would only worry if a child was making no attempt to move at all - obviously not what is happeneing here - so dont worry :)

Oh i didnt realise that about the hips - makes sense I suppose if you think about it as its all developing there! Just shows all children are different and will do what they want when they want so I think HV is talking utter tosh!!

cheers nikki
here is the best pic I have of ''his'' version of crawling lol

The leg you can not see he uses it in the crawling positing, on his knee like normal, the other leg stuck out he just uses his foot on the floor like he is walking along

hey hun...i was like that myself....never crawled at all and i was walking at about 10/11 months i think. my mum used to sit on the sofa with her legs out orr the ground to my level to hold onto and i used to walk up from her feet, turn around and go day i didnt stop at her feet and turn and carried on...
dont worry hun, he will do it in his own time. (btw hes gorgeous!)
Sarah&LJ said:
hey hun...i was like that myself....never crawled at all and i was walking at about 10/11 months i think. my mum used to sit on the sofa with her legs out orr the ground to my level to hold onto and i used to walk up from her feet, turn around and go day i didnt stop at her feet and turn and carried on...
dont worry hun, he will do it in his own time. (btw hes gorgeous!)

Thanks hun

well he does take a few steps on his own if your holding him walking then let go and he doesnt realise he will keep going for a few steps then realise your not holding him so sit down lol. So Im starting to think he will be fine![/b]
my nephew also does this and he is not walking yet but he is only 13 months old so no problem yet. hv told my sis that boys tend to be a bit slower when walking than girls alsobut faster with their talking skills (figures lol!!), my dd1 was walking a week before her first b-day but she never crawled tho.

I hate that HV say such stupid, unfounded stuff (not all of them!). HOw many children start school not walking? It's ,madness, you really musnt worry, he will do it! Freya does a kind of bum shuffle thing, she is in a sitting position and she kind of 'jumps' along on her bottom! It's hilarious! I know though, that in no time at all, she will walk. It's so hard not to worry, especially when a 'health professional' tells you such cr*p, but try not too :hug:

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