Boys name..


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
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What do you think of the name Stanley?? I had never have thought about it until the other day when I heard a mum calling out for her little boy and it just sounded sooo cute :)

I already have a son called Alfie, Alfie and Stanley??

I think it's cute :) I tend to think about what they'll be shortened to but Stan sounds just as cute :) xx
lol yeah I little man is called Alfie and that gets shortened to alf and i hate it lol

But I think Alfie and Stanley are cute together!! :)

Did like Jude but Ive kind of said it too many times its wearing out for me lol xx
Like like Stanley but could never have it as it my FIL and we don't talk lol
But it go's loverly with Alfie.
My friend has just called her baby Ned and I love it
I LOVE Stanley!!! It's so uncommon (despite it being in the top 100, I've never met a baby called Stanley). I saw it when I was looking at the top 100, I'm calling my LO Caleb, and Stanley is underneath it.

I think it's such a cute name, but one of my favourite plays is A Streetcar Named Desire, and Stanley isn't a nice man in that. Shame how one name can have a negative meaning to one person!

I think you should go with it, Alfie and Stanley really go well together xx
Love it really unusual , have you thought about Oscar too?
my friends little 2 year old is stanley, he does get called Stan but he is the cutest little man EVER and i wasn't keen on the name when he was born but now we all love our little Stan! go for it!! xx
I like stanley it's, I really love the name Bertie but my DH does like it x
It goes well with Alfie, theyre both 'old time' names x

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