

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Hi girls!

I have been reading your posts for months now and they have been a great inspiration to me as I don't have any friends who are pregnant around me. My best friend actually lives in England and after a misscarriage in June she is now pregnant again I am sooo happy for her - but she's so far away from me it's hard you know. I really have to tell her about this forum!!

I don't knonw baout any of you but I am getting bored!! Atfer telling my mother that yesterday, she's like.."Yeah, wait until you are 8 months pregnant!!" Cheers mum, needed that LOL

My boyfriend is away right now, only for a few days though, but Sept 15 I'm off to Australia and he will not arrive until Beginning of November... So, it's going to be hard not seeing him for a month and a half arrrrrrgg..

Feeling kicks mostly morning and when i go to sleep, it's really the coolest feeling, besides when the baby decides to come up a little higher and stay there, it feels like a rock in my side, OUCH sometimes, I hope that's normal!!

I guess I would have more to do with my time if i worked or knew the sex of my baby, but I am making myself and my partner wait until the day of delivery, I just figured that there are onlt a few things in life that can be left as a suprise and this is one of them... BUT MAN!!! I deep down DO (and so does my boyfriend!) want to know,I won't give in though tee hee

I am on here most days, if anyone wants to chat, I am here.. bored LOL
I go inot the chat room sometimes but no one ever seems to be there

I am on MSN if you want to chat!! [email protected], i dont mind if you add me, GOWD do I sound desperate??? I'm due Jan 6th 2006

Take care and hope you are all well and not as bored as me!

hi there,

yeah im bored too, i love being pregnant so much but im very impatient, i just want the rest of my time to hurry up now so i can meet my boy.

im jealous that your going to OZ! you are going for a month? are you allowed to fly back that late in pregnancy?

your so pateint waiting till your baby is born to find out what sex it is, i couldnt do that, i have been dying to know since the start, it killed me to wait till the 20 week scan lol

have you thought of any names yet?
Hi Layla

You have hit the nail on the head, 'impatient' is more thike the term i mean. I love being pregnant, there's just so much to think about right now i guess that I should be spending more time painting or relaxing somehow LOL.

I am Australian and am going back there to have the baby, my boyfriend is Camanian, I have been living in the Cayman Islands for 9 years now and we are planning on raising the child back in Australia - Great educatin system, like England. This island is just really small and the thought of more hurricanes freakes me out a little, we have been running from hurricanes for years After Hurricane Ivan last year and Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans last week, the thought of having to run with a baby and the conditions that we can be subject to again is too much.

As for names hmmmm... I have thought Ingrid (my mothers name) for a girl and either Hamish or Thomas for a boy, I feel like it is a boy, I could be wrong though right!! Names are the hard part, My nephew's name is Ethan and I love that name it's very strong!!

The name you have chosen sounds great together!! Cody Hendrix.

I know what you mean about me not knowing the name!! It is hard to do I tell you, I never thought I would have done it seeming as though I am a gemini myself and very impatient, not in my character at all... My scans too, i get really excited about I am thinking I should just go and have another one before I leave, I am a bit nervous about travelling, but I am not too far along yet and that's why I'm going now instead of October when I had planned on heading there.

I am looking foward to getting a midwife in Oz, we don't have those things here.. It sounds like a blessing to have one!

Chat soon and I have a great day!!

wow, id love to raise my baby in OZ, your so lucky.

I have been talking with my other half about moving up north, i live in south wlaes at the mo, and altho its nice, the area i live in isnt.
would love to bring up my kids in the country more.

the names you have choisen are lovely!
i have a 6 year old son already and his name is Ethan, my daughter is 7 and shes charlie-jane.

hope everything goes well with the move, keep in touch!

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