
lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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I hope someone can help, Im looking for a collection of books to buy for my oldest son (who is 9)
I cant think of any except Harry Potter lol and he has all them!? Does anyone know of a series of books that he should like!? :think:
Roald Dahl box set is great, my eldest LOVES them and I often hear him chuckling away in evenings!
Lemony snickett
His dark materials (dont be put off by the poop film this is better than harry potter IMO)
are all firm faves with my DS (he reads alot)
OOOH thanks ladies!!
I cant beleive I forgot Roald Dahl and the horrible histories/ science!! I loved them myself hahahaha

I will have to google His dark materials! Not heard of that one!? :think:

Thanks again ladies! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Here's another vote for His Dark Materials. It's brilliantly written and certainly the stuff of timeless classics.
lea m said:
OOOH thanks ladies!!

I will have to google His dark materials! Not heard of that one!? :think:

The author is Philip Pullman, it is a trilogy (although there are a few little extra books that are fab for fans) The Golden compass, Subtle knife and amber spy glass

Ooohhh they are soo good may have to read again!
Thanks again ladies!!

Minxy that looks great! (I will have to read that one hahaha) Im going to order it for him! :cheer:
ALG yeh I googled and realised! I have heard that the books are good! I will order them too!

So thats a good few books now! :cheer:
I might even get my second son the Roald Dahl ones and they can swap rather then just get them all Joseph! :think:

Im off to Amazon! :wave:

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