Booking in appointment


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2012
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Had my first midwife appointment today, nice to finally feel like something's happening, it was all very quick, went through all the usual paperwork, blood tests x3, urine test, bp test, weight and height all within half hour lol. Just waiting for my scan date to come through the post now!

Exciting times but also nerving hoping all is ok xxx
I have my first appointment on Friday.... Getting excited and nervous lol x
Ooh NicB, you're from Nottingham too :) where do you live? I am in Carlton. How many weeks are you now? Xxx
I have my first midwife appointment this Friday- very nervous as apart from alot of tiredness I have pretty much felt fine so just worried. Hopefully all will go well and then I cam relax until scan on 17th July :)

Half an hour! I was there for 2 hours!! You have a much more efficient midwife than me!!
Ooh NicB, you're from Nottingham too :) where do you live? I am in Carlton. How many weeks are you now? Xxx

Yay! Lol I'm from hucknall...I'm 10 weeks now due 29th jan! How about you Hun xxx
Half an hour! I was there for 2 hours!! You have a much more efficient midwife than me!!

Lol I know to be honest didn't even see a mw as they are so busy so saw a nurse! Would of liked it to last a bit longer but oh we'll they got what they need lol xx
I have my first midwife appointment this Friday- very nervous as apart from alot of tiredness I have pretty much felt fine so just worried. Hopefully all will go well and then I cam relax until scan on 17th July :)


I'm exactly the same Hun if had no symptoms other than the tiredness so I've been really worried, I had a mmc in December so worrying about everything, good u have your scan date not got mine yet starting to get inpatient lol, all the best for Friday and your scan xx
Can I ask how far you all was when you had your first midwife app? Mine will be when I am 8 weeks, that seems ages off!!!
Ooh NicB, you're from Nottingham too :) where do you live? I am in Carlton. How many weeks are you now? Xxx

Yay! Lol I'm from hucknall...I'm 10 weeks now due 29th jan! How about you Hun xxx

Ooh, not too far away :) I used to live in Bestwood village, just outside Bulwell. I would occasionally get the tram into Hucknall.
1'm 6 weeks & 4days so a bit behind you. Have you decided where you want to have your baby? I've been told the City Hospital is the best - its also nearer to where I live and probably nearer for you too. Xxx
Can I ask how far you all was when you had your first midwife app? Mine will be when I am 8 weeks, that seems ages off!!!

I had my appt letter through at the weekend - it will be on 23rd July so I will be about 9 1/2 weeks by then!
I have my first midwife appointment this Friday- very nervous as apart from alot of tiredness I have pretty much felt fine so just worried. Hopefully all will go well and then I cam relax until scan on 17th July :)


I'm exactly the same Hun if had no symptoms other than the tiredness so I've been really worried, I had a mmc in December so worrying about everything, good u have your scan date not got mine yet starting to get inpatient lol, all the best for Friday and your scan xx

Thankyou :) I know its so hard to not panic and worry but I suppose there is nothing Ican do except wait. Just hope I can possibly get some sort of reassurance at mw appt but not sure if i will? Tempted to do another pregnancy test but keep stopping myself!! Only 2 days to go so fingers crossed all will be okay....just want my scan to hurry up!! Hope all goes well for you and you get your scan date soon xx
Can I ask how far you all was when you had your first midwife app? Mine will be when I am 8 weeks, that seems ages off!!!

I have mine this Friday, found out when I was around 6 weeks pregnant and will be coming up 11 weeks when at appt. xx
Ooh NicB, you're from Nottingham too :) where do you live? I am in Carlton. How many weeks are you now? Xxx

Yay! Lol I'm from hucknall...I'm 10 weeks now due 29th jan! How about you Hun xxx

Ooh, not too far away :) I used to live in Bestwood village, just outside Bulwell. I would occasionally get the tram into Hucknall.
1'm 6 weeks & 4days so a bit behind you. Have you decided where you want to have your baby? I've been told the City Hospital is the best - its also nearer to where I live and probably nearer for you too. Xxx

I also live in Nottingham!!! Though think I will be at qmc to have my baby as I live other side near beeston. Haven't got my booking appt til 24th seems ages away I will be 8 weeks. They originally couldn't see me til August but I've asked to be seen earlier, I just want the scan to come to help me stop worrying! X
That's quick. Mine lasted over an hour and we all ready did some stuff at 6 week appointment :S
Ooh NicB, you're from Nottingham too :) where do you live? I am in Carlton. How many weeks are you now? Xxx

Yay! Lol I'm from hucknall...I'm 10 weeks now due 29th jan! How about you Hun xxx

Ooh, not too far away :) I used to live in Bestwood village, just outside Bulwell. I would occasionally get the tram into Hucknall.
1'm 6 weeks & 4days so a bit behind you. Have you decided where you want to have your baby? I've been told the City Hospital is the best - its also nearer to where I live and probably nearer for you too. Xxx

I also live in Nottingham!!! Though think I will be at qmc to have my baby as I live other side near beeston. Haven't got my booking appt til 24th seems ages away I will be 8 weeks. They originally couldn't see me til August but I've asked to be seen earlier, I just want the scan to come to help me stop worrying! X

Hi hjones :wave: welcome to PF and congratulations on your BFP. Yay, another Nottingham lass, there are quite a few - we should arrange a meet up some time :)
Your appt will be a day after mine :) wish it would hurry up!!
Hi hjones :wave: welcome to PF and congratulations on your BFP. Yay, another Nottingham lass, there are quite a few - we should arrange a meet up some time :)
Your appt will be a day after mine :) wish it would hurry up!![/QUOTE]

Hi and thanks!! We should arrange a meet, its nice to chat to other people who know how I'm feeling!!! I wish the appt would hurry too!! Don't know how I will cope for the next 34 weeks!!!!! :)
Ooh NicB, you're from Nottingham too :) where do you live? I am in Carlton. How many weeks are you now? Xxx

Yay! Lol I'm from hucknall...I'm 10 weeks now due 29th jan! How about you Hun xxx

Ooh, not too far away :) I used to live in Bestwood village, just outside Bulwell. I would occasionally get the tram into Hucknall.
1'm 6 weeks & 4days so a bit behind you. Have you decided where you want to have your baby? I've been told the City Hospital is the best - its also nearer to where I live and probably nearer for you too. Xxx

Iv chosen city I had my first child there and they were fab and it has the option of the hotel to stay in with partner if it's open! Plus it's on 10mins down the road! Xx

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