Booking appointment


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I had my booking appointment this afternoon and the midwife worked out my estimated due date to be the 7th May 2010, which means that im 9 weeks + 2.
Mine and my OH guess wasnt quite right by the looks of things, i did tell the midwife we had worked it out to be the 12th, but she was sure it was the 7th. She did say that it may still change at the scan(which we knew) but on all my paperwork im down as 9+2 :) x x

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That's cool! I guess it doesn't matter too much on due dates as babies are gonna come when they come lol! Glad it went well x
yay! i know my dates because we were ttc but i would love to be further along than i think!! x
my dates changed with thsi pregnancy after scan they put me a week forward so that was good, and with my last pregnancy my put my dates forward 2 weeks and i still went just over a week early so I would wait for the scan and take it from there.
aww :) thats a perfect time to have a baby, if i could choose it would deffo be then :)
im so happy for you:) but miss you!! xx
Thanks Ladies, I know its only a couple of days earlier than I thought, i was just suprised when she said it.
I miss you too lrb and all the other ladies in ttc, hoping your over here soon. Hope you are well, Ill pm you hun x x

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