booking in appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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i'm very annoyed :rolleyes:

basically went to the Doc when i got my :bfp: who told me to make a midwife appointment for asap! which i failed to tell me to make a booking i ended up sitting there like a twat....

anyway the midwife then made an appointment for me for 10.30 this morning when i went down to surgery there was a different midwife there who told me it wasn't a booking appointment :wall:

my boss gave me the day off because by the time i would have got into work it would have been lunch she told me to come back at 3 o clock...then rang me to ask could i put it off till june 4th...i told her NO, i'm sick of being pushed from pillar to post and she didn't sound very happy bout it!!...anyway i'm back with midwife at 3 o clock and i'm in foul humour!!!

sorry ladies...needed to get that off my massive painful boobies :rofl: xxxxxx
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Oh how frustrating hun! Good for you, for standing up for yourself too!!
i had to mrsmc! i had no choice...i'm working on a self-emplayed basis...i've already lost one days wages and i'm gonna loose out the day of my scan no way am i going to take yet another day off when it was their fault to begin with...oh i'm fuming......

Midwife really didn't sound pleased when i said no tho....ha ha ha ha ha
not good when they mess you around, good work on insisting for one today!!! hopefully you can get a12wk scan date booked sooner. I only had my booking appointment on weds so will probs have to wait a week for a scan date to be given to me :-(
not good when they mess you around, good work on insisting for one today!!! hopefully you can get a12wk scan date booked sooner. I only had my booking appointment on weds so will probs have to wait a week for a scan date to be given to me :-(

i have my scan date got already....27th of june!! oh girls i'm so confussed.... i don't understand the system at all :wall:
Oh rubbish smokey!! Not a good first impression for you :hug: xx

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