Booking appt, scan date but still worried


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Here i am again....

i seem to be a right misery these last few days..

just had my booking in appt...went fine,...even the giving bloods bit which i hate, didnt feel a thing. she was brill at it...very proud of myself..

i am still worried though.....sickness more or less gone and boobies dont even feel as tender today. i have gagged at a couple of smells today though....but i am stil worried at how 'normal' i feel compared to last week.

i mentioned the sickness subsiding to midwife and she didnt seem phased she just said 'as long as your boobies are still tender' and then i get home take my bra off and they dont feel that tender this normal for approaching 10 weeks you start to feel a bit more normal..and boobies get a little less sore...

scan is 28th august.......just wish it would hurry up xx:shock:
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Babe my symptoms went about 10 weeks try not to worry! Xxx
Yep I do ave I was in the Drs nearly every week crying lol it's only natural after losing a bean :hug: this one is here to stay tho I know it! X
thanks chick....i hope so......they did tell me that once yu see a heartbeat you have 97& chance of success xx
It's normal to stress about it but it won't change what is gonna happen! Just look after yourself you can't do more than that
aww hun, it will fly to the 28th ! bet u cant wait to see bubs ! x
yeah, i cant :D long weekend after too so will be nice to celebrate xx
Hi sam

I have been to see my mw today, she was talking to me about symptoms and said they will dissapear about 9-10 weeka and told me not to worry if they do, so sounds completly normal hun xx
Think its pretty normal huni, Still praying for mine to go but i still know im gonna freak out when they do lol

only 3 weeks till the scann, Im the 31st of Aug so we can both moan about how long them 3 weeks will be :)
I'm sure your fine hun, always see loads of posts saying symptoms calm down at 10 weeks and as you say you have seen HB!!!! :)
My symptoms disappeared about 9 weeks then sicky horribel feeling came back at 12 weeks :-(

I was really worried because the symptoms vanished so quickly but midwife said enjoy it, cos they'll be back!!!!
ive not been too bad so far but this morning i spent a good 5 minutes heaving and retching, good job i hadnt eaten yet so couldnt throw up but my god it was the worst yet!
my nausea came back yesterday and have felt a bit sickly on and off again i think im i have an ickle bump!!! :D xx
yay for a baby boy!!!! :D when did you find out?

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