Booking Appointment & Green notes question


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
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Morning all,

Just a quick one. We have been given our green notes booklet to fill in the first few pages before the booking appointment next Tuesday.

There is a part of the book that is for mothers blood results & also fathers....

I wasn't aware that fathers had blood tests.

Could anyone confirm?

Thanks xx :-?
I was also told by MW they never take fathers blood group into account as and I quote "some people lie" !!!
My OH wasn't, he doesn't actually come to any of my appointments apart from the scans simply because we want him to save his leave for when baby is here. MW came to my house to do the
Two friends said their OH's weren't allowed in their booking in/notes appointments.
I was told not to bring my OH to my booking apt....this is because they want to ask you questions to see if you siffer from domestic violence etc so they want the mother to be able to speak freely and offer her support and advice if needed
My husband never came to any appointments apart from scans and the birth lol they never asked for any bloods from him
We didn't get any notes because ours are digital notes - still on paper but some in some fancy way. My hubby went with me first time but didn't bother Sedond time as they're not really needed . Just make sure you're clues up on his family medical history
The fathers blood results are only if there are known concerns with fathers blood such as inherited blood conditions etc. So dont worry. Not routine.
Thanks all. I'll be going alone anyway as OH is working. I went to all my last ones alone too. No point in him coming out of work for the sake of things like this. He will obviously be at the scan though x

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