Booked my reasurance scan!


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
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For the 29th December!!
She said we could do it before Christmas but it would not be definate we would be able to see the heart beat so as we are paying prob best to wait until the week after.
She said that they need a 6 week pregnancy to see a heartbeat which means I would have actually conceived 4 weeks earlier. So by the 29th Decmeber I will oficaially be 5+1 but by doctor calculations will be 7 weeks.
She was lovely and said to me that once the heart beat is seen the chance of misscarriage goes down almost daily.
So just got to get through the next 16 days!!
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:) that great hun small milestones are a good idea aswell to get you through!
good news that you got your scan hun... hopefully you will feel a lot better when you see you lil baby!! Our babys are due same day, and im sure they are fine!!! xxx
I am really nervous but just :pray: there is a little heart beat, maybe then I can START to relax, but I am not allowing myself to enjoy being pregnant until I am out of the danger zone!
Hows the doctor dated you further on than your dates? how did u work them out xx

I worked out from OV which was around 24th-27th November which would place me 2 weeks 6 days.
The doctor has gone from my last period 10th November which puts me at 4 weeks 5 days.
I booked a reassurance scan, when I was around 8 weeks, and was the best £50 I ever spent!
It was reassuring seeing the flicker of the heart, and knowing it was in the right place.

Word of warning, I was reassured, for like, oh, a week! I think I worried more in the weeks leading up to my 12 weeks! But there was always that comfort at the back of my mind that everything had been ok, so liklihood, everything was ok.
Good luck and enjoy! x
Yeah that is what I have been thinking Lea but then I would have to think well things have been fine for 7 weeks so only 5 more to go...
Ours is going to cost £90!! Ouch!
I just had a reassurance scan on Sunday (10 weeks) It was meant to be earlier but got cancelled because of the snow, boo.

It was the best £75 I have ever spent. Totally worth it and OH agrees as I think I was worrying him too much about every single niggle or cramp.

I'm still not at 12 weeks, but I feel so much more relaxed.

Also when you get your 12 week scan you will really be able to appreicate the difference in the development.

The only thing the scanner said to me was to keep it quiet about having the scan as the stingy NHS can aparently be a bit iffy about giving you a 12 week scan as well, given that mine are so close together.
I just had a reassurance scan on Sunday (10 weeks) It was meant to be earlier but got cancelled because of the snow, boo.

It was the best £75 I have ever spent. Totally worth it and OH agrees as I think I was worrying him too much about every single niggle or cramp.

I'm still not at 12 weeks, but I feel so much more relaxed.

Also when you get your 12 week scan you will really be able to appreicate the difference in the development.

The only thing the scanner said to me was to keep it quiet about having the scan as the stingy NHS can aparently be a bit iffy about giving you a 12 week scan as well, given that mine are so close together.

:shock: Really?! That is awful! It is bad enough we have to pay to be reasured in the first place!
Awwwh yay ! s glad itll help you relax , yup from what ive heard don't mention it at your 12 week scan or they may decided not to scan you again .
Are these private scans? I have not heard of paying for early scans - how great!

I had a miscarriage so can imagine how amazing it would be. Good luck with yours.

Good luck with your scan hunni - reassurance is a good thing i had a scan a 8 weeks due to pain on the nhs due to our previous miscarriage it is true what people say though the reassurance can sometimes not last and ive found that as a lot of people say you wont relax totally until you have your baby in your arms- for example im now 28 weeks and my midwife told me yesterday that im measuring 31 weeks and baby is head down so to watch and if get any signs of labour to go to a maternity unit - just covering herself probably but still makes you think - take care all the best xox
i just booked my reassurance scan today, for the 11th of jan, ill be 8wk +4 by then so praying i can see a wee heart beat, i had a nightmare pregnancy with my first, bleeding,waters leaking etc and this time i just cant relax, its gonna be a long 3 weeks lol
I had to reshedual my early scan as I think I ovulated late so would possibly be too early and as I am having to pay for it I want to make sure it is the best time.
So I have mine on the 6th January!! 17 days to go!! :roll:
I just want to get the next 6 weeks and 2 days over with as quick as possible, it is driving me mad!
Good luck fork your scan hun, hope baby is a healthy sticky baby X

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