Booked in today - completly different to March!

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi girls,

Had my booking in appointment with my midwife today, and I am kicking myself for not being more forceful with her.

We did the normal form filling , etc and I am no clearer on my due date till the Nuchal scan. She asked me at the end if I had any questions, and i said oh are you not taking blood? She said no, they will do that at the Nuchal scan. (well I understand as same day as the scan makes sense to give proper risk factors etc) but I am only 10 weeks , they took blood at my last booking in appointment at the same place in march!

I told her I think I am low in iron, I am extremely tired, gave up my daily exersize about 3 weeks ago as I couldn't do it. I feel really out of breath when walking (look like a goldfish!) ( I am quite a fit person too normally)
and I'm sleepy and drowsy all the time at work, sooo tired. Now I know these can all be symptoms of normal 1st tri pregnancy, but after my MC , and the blood transfusion, I was the same, only worse, and so I know how my body feels. I tried to politly tell her I was banking on the blood test today so I could see if normal pregnancy or need more iron and get sorted. She said she would only do one if I insisted, and so I said no, i'm not insisting atall , just wanted to sort it all out. I may not get my Nuchal scan for 3 weeks ish, and then the results would go to the hospital and not my docs, so the chances of me knowing would be slim!

Oh why am I sooo wimpy!!:oooo:
Try not stress. Can you not contact her tomorrow and just say on reflection you would like bloods done? Or go ask your gp to do them?
Try not stress. Can you not contact her tomorrow and just say on reflection you would like bloods done? Or go ask your gp to do them?

Thanks Citygirl, god when I read that back, I had a right moan didn't I! You really should be banned from posting when your stoppy!:whistle:
I would book yourself in with either the midwife again or just a nurse to get your levels checked. Just to put your mind at ease.

I know at my doctors surgery you can do this at any time with the nurse.

Hope you get it sorted.
nothing wrong with moaning, you want to make sure everything is ok, can understand that!! xx
If you are worried about your iron levels I would go to the GP and ask them to test. It's not specifically about the baby so I wouldn't feel bad going to the GP instead of the midwife about it.
I think yopu're well within your rights to have insisteed to be honest, and I think it's awful that the midwife made you feel like you had to back down.

Make another appointment, and get it seen to, if only for your peace of mind xx

P.S, if we were banned from posting when we were stroppy, half the forum would be empty, haha!
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Not a rant at all JJ, go to your gp and ask for iron levels to be checked.
Thanks girls, I may do that, the midwife booked my next checkup actually , so it's nice to have a date in the diary, it's 5th august (16 week one) , seems a long time away, I really will be pregnant by then!!

I need to start back on my exersize, have decided not to bother telling work till I really have to, as last time, they tried to get me to tell them a leaving date, I was only 9 weeks at the time!!

Let's see how long I can keep it hidden, tee hee
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