Body Rant :/


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I had such a bad morning. I tried to wear a top that I expected to be perfect for pregnancy today (that I have had for a while) and it turned out not to be... It just made me look FAT! Now, I have to take everything I think about my looks with a grain of salt because I have body dismorphic disorder which caused a LOT of problems before I was pregnant, but I really think pregnancy doesn't suit me at all. Instead of the lovely pregnancy glow I have spots all around my face and forehead, and now even my cheeks, which has never happened to me before. Also, I don't think I look pregnant, but that I look fat. My sister-in-law recently had a baby and she was healthy and glowing and gorgeous. She had such a cute baby belly that sat right where it should.... I feel like I just look big and round everywhere. To top it off, this morning I woke up and I had LEAKED on my gorgeous brand new mattress, which I stupidly haven't gotten a cover for yet, so now there are stains on either side of where I lay. How embarrassing, and I thought it would be too early for that. Do I have to get nursing bras now so I can get breast pads? ARRGH I feel like I am starting to turn into some factory or something. I am scared of losing my identity. Don't get me wrong I LOVE that I am pregnant and love my baby and can't wait to be a mother, but I wish I could love myself a little more at the same time!

Sorry for that and thanks. Ha...
:hug: Aww, you're bound to get days like this but remember you're at you're most beautiful now - we might be fat but we have to make the most of it and wear fitted stuff to enhance the lovely round bump. Even if you can't see it yourself I bet you're blooming / have a pregnancy glow - all ladies have it, you just can't always see it in the mirror! xxx
Thanks. My mother says I look cute and my husband says I am gorgeous, but I feel like they have to say that. I can only see the spots and the big bum! My bump is not a bump. It's very spread out all over my abdomen. I was hoping my skin would clear up and I would have lovely rosey cheeks like some other people I know... This hasn't happened yet! I am healthy and the baby is too, for which I am grateful, but the gassiness, leakage and fat feelings are really getting me down! I feel bad for my husband!
aw hon, your husband probably thinks the same as mine, you are more beautiful because you are growing your baby!

Its hard, i struggled with it a couple of weeks ago, but am accepting that all these changes are merely signs that the pregnancy is progressing well, spots are a side effect of progesterone that your placenta needs to keep the baby alive!!

So be bloody proud of yourself and your body as there can be nothing more femanine or womanly that a preggers lady x
:hug: I have spots too which has left me feeling a bit down but I try not to worry because they're all part of pregnancy I guess. My husband says I look glowing even though I feel anything but! I'm sure you are as lovely as your mum and husband say, even if you don't see it.
This is going to sound terrible and I am ashamed to have ever thought it... This is probably my punishment, but I have always noticed two types of pregnant women. The kind who look healthy and just pregnant, with a nice shine in their complexions. They look like they take care of themselves. Then there are those that look grey and dull, with swollen faces. I guess I always assumed they were the ones who used pregnancy as an excuse to lay around and do nothing but eat ice cream all day. I guess I was wrong, though, because I do take care of myself and I think I look like them!

Oops, I guess that's what you get for judging people! D:
I bet you do look gorgeous just like your OH says :D

I think it is hard to see, I just feel fat and awkward and wish I hadn't eaten my way through first tri to avoid feeling sick :oops: My OH says I look gorgeous :D

I have found that buying clothes one size too big makes me feel better and they don't feel too tight :)
Hi everyone and thanks for all of the replies. I feel a lot better today. My skin is still horrible and I'm not happy about that, but I went on a mini shopping spree last night after work, bought my first pair of maternity jeans (previously I was just wearing a size or two up from normal) and four tops. These all make me look PREGNANT rather than FAT. At least that's what I think today. :D

So my advice is go by lots of clothes if you feel like I did. I only spent £60, which I think is really good. Oh, and the Zara near me suddenly has maternity clothes. I don't usually shop there but I'm going to check it out because I really need a cardigan and am having trouble finding one that doesn't have yards of extra fabric.
I'm glad your feeling a bit better now honey :hug:

I was awful before i got pregnant, i'm not quite sure how my friend put up with me, i was constantly going on about being fat, and woudlnt let anyone near my belly most of the time.

I was sooo bloated in early pregnancy and so spotty, i hated it and felt so disgusting, even now every time i talk to baby daddy the stress makes me come out in spots, i never had them before and now my forehead is covered i'm os paranoid about it, and when i try and get ready to go to the pub i actually cry with frusration most times.

I'm ok in casual clothes but i find i have to wear something tight so its obvious i'm pregnant not fat.

I look back at pics of me and my belly now and think god i know i wasnt happy with it but id give anything to look like it again after wards, its only now i realise how warped my view of myself was.

Oh and shopping does help definately!! Though i usually end up with shoes lol
Hi, Glad your feeling beter! I have awful skin around my period and have had pretty much all way through pregnancy so far I think some people are more prone to bad skin and greasy hair whilst others glow im afraid although according to old wives tales that can be to do with which sex your carrying but how true that is I dont know!!

I read that vinegar is great for correcting ph of the skin and removing the oilyness I haven't tried this yet (only read it yesterday) but tip was to put it on cotton wool wipe you face with it and then was well to remove the smell got to be worth a try!! :hug:
moss said:
I had such a bad morning. I tried to wear a top that I expected to be perfect for pregnancy today (that I have had for a while) and it turned out not to be... It just made me look FAT! Now, I have to take everything I think about my looks with a grain of salt because I have body dismorphic disorder which caused a LOT of problems before I was pregnant, but I really think pregnancy doesn't suit me at all. Instead of the lovely pregnancy glow I have spots all around my face and forehead, and now even my cheeks, which has never happened to me before. Also, I don't think I look pregnant, but that I look fat. My sister-in-law recently had a baby and she was healthy and glowing and gorgeous. She had such a cute baby belly that sat right where it should.... I feel like I just look big and round everywhere. To top it off, this morning I woke up and I had LEAKED on my gorgeous brand new mattress, which I stupidly haven't gotten a cover for yet, so now there are stains on either side of where I lay. How embarrassing, and I thought it would be too early for that. Do I have to get nursing bras now so I can get breast pads? ARRGH I feel like I am starting to turn into some factory or something. I am scared of losing my identity. Don't get me wrong I LOVE that I am pregnant and love my baby and can't wait to be a mother, but I wish I could love myself a little more at the same time!

Sorry for that and thanks. Ha...
Aww bless you hun :hug: Because you have body dismorphic disorder, you're probably not seeing what the rest of the world see, a beautiful, glowing, pretty lady with a gorgeous bump.

I know what you mean about the tops though, I either have to wear a baggy top or a tight one, I can't have an "inbetween" one because I don't feel comfortable in it.

I was never a skinny minnie before so most of my tops are tight on me. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love showing off my bump, but it's a struggle in the mornings when I'm 5 minutes late for work JUST because my top wasn't quite right!

Hope you're feeling less alone now, we're all going through it with you! :( xx

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