blw question


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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My Lo is 5 months and looking into weaning next month, just wondering if you can do both types of weaning? Like mushy foods and sometimes finger food or would this confuse him? Also, how do they chew if they have no teeth? X
I think some people do wean this way and get on fine, but really that's just tw. the main problem people encounter is baby wants to do it themself and not be spoon fed. You might also need to be careful at first that baby doesn't get confused as purees are sucked off the spoon at first when you spoon feed them but you can pre load spoons and give it to them so they are control. So you can do things however you like and what suits you both. I suppose true blw you don't spoon feed as it kind of defeats the point of 'baby led' weaning ikwim! So give the mush straight to them to scoop up in their hands :)

They chew fine just using their gums.

I've just read the blw book, planning to totally blw, can't wait to start next month too!

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tbh you can do it however you want!! theres no right or wrong way to do it!! we did a mixture of both with j as well. made sure he got some food in him and then we gave him loads of finger fods to play and explore with. youll find a system and method for doing it that suits you and lo rather than trying to fit the label of one or other!! xx good luck its a lot of fun no matter which way round you do it!! x
I am doing BLW for lunch and tea but I spoon feed his breakfast to him. He has readybrek for breakfast and although I put something on the floor to protect the carpet he could still launch the food and get stuff all over the sofa etc! Also, he only tries to grab the spoon occasionally and when he does I let go of the spoon and let him feed himself making sure he doesn;t throw the spoon accross the room!
He seems quite happy with how we are doing things so I'll carry on this way.
like the others said, a mixture is more realistic for us. we usually spoonfeed brekkie and dessert (yoghurt) but blw the rest. you just have to see what mood your baby is in, sometimes my lo is dead lazy and wants it spoonfed, other times she wants to feed herself - so letting her decide is the whole point of it - being led by your baby!

have fun!!
Got a bit impatient...gave him some baby food today he tried grabbing the spoon every time...he cant really hold his.bottle yet and most of the time can't be bothered but he seems to be a very independent boy, and gets frustrated if he can't do things such as crawling... And doesn't like to be held all the time, wants to play on the floor and be off!! Think hell like blw...I did give him the spoon after a few mouthfuls just so he could lick the rest off but he ended up smudging it all over his nose lol x what sort of finger foods do I start off with? X

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