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bloomin eck think my cat is pregnant,help!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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could do with some advice please, my cat is starting to look like me a bit fat and lumpy... also her nips are getting big (tmi :oops: )the thing is if she is how long do they stay pregnant haven't got a clue. also am i safe to be near her as well. i cant believe she might be having babies, thought she was to young..... obviously not
9 weeks is a cats pregnancy apparantly this happened to me
all of a sudden her nipples were big and visable and before i knew it she gave birth to 4 baby boy kittens
they say a week b4 they give birth they start really demanding more food
i got her spayed now thank god
Congratulations! (or not???)
My cat had 2 litters (I have now had her spayed) The nips definitely get bigger and the belly, right at the end gets really huge. If I looked down upon her it looked liked she had swallowed a football! :lol:
When she's due, she will look for someone safe and warm to have them. Both times my cat had them under my bed, right up against a wall.
oh no she has been really demanding food and shes always trying to get under my daughters bed :shock: ive put cozy boxes everywhere, but no shes under the bloomin bed!!!! crikey haven't got a clue, what if she doesn't want them, do i have to help her in any way?? it could be any day........ :shock:
Im not a 100% sure but when she goes into labour i think you should just leave her to it, but keep an eye on her!

When she has had them just leave her untill she is ready to let you near them otherwise she might reject them!

This is what we were told and did when our dog had puppies and everything turned out ok!

Let us know how she gets on, i love kittys, we have 2 :D
amy, I put boxes everywhere too, but she will have them where she wants too!! :lol: Luckily I noticed in time that my cat was under my bed, because she would have had them on top of a cold plastic storage bag!
Your vet should tell you how long she's got left. They should also give you a helpsheet, because there are things you can do if anything goes wrong with the kittens or your cat. But generally you should leave her to get on with it (which your vet will tell you). The only other thing was I took her in a drink, which she lapped up, as she won't leave the kittens for a while. I'm pretty sure Cassi had kittens too, so she knows a lot about it. Good luck and looking forward to the pictures!!
my cat completly did it on her own i culdnt believe it lol but they know what they are doing they turn into such lovely little things kittens only i culdnt keep them :(
thank you for advice, will keep you posted xxxxxxxxxxx im nervous for her think my hormones dont help :roll:
Hurry up and take her to the vet so you can get another ticker for her pregnancy :lol:

Good luck!
urchin said:
Hurry up and take her to the vet so you can get another ticker for her pregnancy :lol:


My cat had kittens a few years ago (now spayed), we knew she was pregnant and round about when she'd have them so had got a cosy box ready.

was woken one night at about 3 am by little squeeking meows, then realised the cat was having her kittens ON OUR BED, turned the light on and she was in between us, she'd just had the second then had 2 more.

she wouldn't go in her box so I got out an old suit case and some sheets and managed to get them in there, she then moved them to under the spare bed the next day, she left the runt behind so I nudged it alittle to make it meow and she came running to get it bless.

Just a warning be prepared to change your bed sheets at 4 in the morning :D

oh and dont be scared of the noise , my cats ( have stables at mums with lots of cats) were soooo noisey when in labour ! they scream n scream ! usually just get on with it them selves tho !
When my cat had her kitten(she only had one) she got onto my bed (its was 4 in the morning) and grabbed my hand, i had to rub her belly. Once she had him she just ran off the bed and left him wriggling around on my duvet, she didnt feed him for a few hours.

Most of the time you wont need to intervene, if you have any problems call you emergency vet, they should be able to help you with questions or problems you might have.
my cat had babieswhilst i was pg too, maybe they pick up on it n want to join in lol.... :rotfl: 9 weeks , nipplesstick out, belly gets bigger, sleeping more etc, when the time is near she will start nesting, looking for a place to have the kittens, my cat chose next to the toilet (there is a radiator there) so we helped her by putting blankets etc down for her, we stayed near just in case for a while but left her to do her own thing, she did struggle with one and sort of just left it so we just nudged him towards her abit and she sorted him out but still left the cord, when the cord had been left for quite long, ,she was exhausted! we cut the cord for her because we were worried about the placenta being in for too long and risking hemmorhaging (sp?) but its not usual that you will have to do this...she always had water by her and when she was done we put food down and left her too it....and they were all happy and healthy, 3 went to new homes and 2 are still with us :)...and dad is with us too :)

we knew she was in labour when her waters broke on our bed!! :puke: bless....have a camera ready too, so you can take pics, but not a flash one just a disposable or something but do it discreatly so you dont disturb her...

ps: coco didnt make a noise whilst in labour she was so brave bless her...
:shock: :shock: :shock: oh my goodness me!!!!! im really nervous now, aw i hpe she doesn't do it on the bed. oh no. shes eating for england now, so it could be soon, help me out guys as i will be posting if anything occurs... thank you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Pregnancy lasts 63 days.
How old is she?
If You didnt want her to have the kittens the vet can still spay her, although it costs more and the operation is more risky.

If you are unsure it would be worth phoning your vet or see if one of the nurses could check her, then they can tell you maybe how far on she is.

Also it rules out anything else, as increase eating and bloated tummy can mean other problems.
But i am sure she is fine! YOu'l l be having kittens and babies lol!
amy said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: oh my goodness me!!!!! im really nervous now, aw i hpe she doesn't do it on the bed. oh no. shes eating for england now, so it could be soon, help me out guys as i will be posting if anything occurs... thank you :hug: :hug: :hug:

If she does havethem on the bed take it as a compliment that she feels so comfortable and secure with you, that she'd have them so close to you :rotfl:

xSuzx said:
amy said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: oh my goodness me!!!!! im really nervous now, aw i hpe she doesn't do it on the bed. oh no. shes eating for england now, so it could be soon, help me out guys as i will be posting if anything occurs... thank you :hug: :hug: :hug:

If she does havethem on the bed take it as a compliment that she feels so comfortable and secure with you, that she'd have them so close to you :rotfl:


:rotfl: :rotfl:

my coco had a scan but they had no idea how far gone she was except...they are due soon lol!
just a quick note
if possible and she is okay with you sitting quiet next to her, aech kitten has it's own after birth, the mother cat should be allowed to eat 2 of them :puke: but the rest should be taken away as they are high in vit A and can cause toxin levels to go high if she eats more than that. I would keep her in if she is lactating as it will be soon she has them. If this is her first littre then stay near she may need some help. Oh and they can get pregnant again right away after giving birth :rotfl:
good luck
whyslifesobig said:
Oh and they can get pregnant again right away after giving birth :rotfl:

I def agree with that. My cat got out ONCE and got pregnant :roll:
one un-neutered female cat can be responsible for 35,000 cats in five years.

Male cats start to spray at about 4/5 months so need to get castrated at about 4 month. females usually have thier first season at 6-9 months of age and then can have upto 5/6 littres a yr.
thus if all her ofspring breed at the same rate she does and she keeps breeding too you end up with 35,000 unwanted cats a year from 1 cat. Scarey :shock:

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