Bloody dreams


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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It always amazes me how much dreams can throw you off the next day.

I dreamed we went to our ivf appointment and they said we couldn't have treatment until we'd had 6 months of chlomid! I was trying to explain that I have no probs ovulating but they kept telling me that that was the process now.

I know it's just my fears about things getting delayed or being complicated, but it's so hard to shake that feeling I woke up with...
I have loads of vivid dreams in the run up to treatment too. The other day i dreamt that i had done my stims and was ready for egg collection but no one was free to do the procedure so i had to chase them up in a mad panic because i didn't want my egg to get too old to work...

It's so stressful :hug:
I know how you feel, I have dreadful dreams! I woke Neil up the other when I yelled out! He said he nearly had a heart attack. The other night I dreamt I was at my appointment for IVF and they just did the treatment but they did not tell me what they had done. So when we left I did not know whether they had done IUI or IVF and we just had to wait again. Perhaps I dream about these things because we are always waiting!! Who knows, but I agree they stick with me the next day.....

Gizzy xxx
It's amazing how much our situations affect us in our dreams. I dreamt I did a digi and it came back not pregnant then peed on a First Response and got two great lines. I think my dislike for the 'not pregnant' result and cynical feelings for the digi has flowed into my subconscious. :oooo:

I'm with yous on the weird dreams. So much anxiety it's bound to play out in your dreams. Lately I've been dreaming that all my friends are pregnant and I'm standing drinking wine while all my friends look at me embarrased cos I'm the only one who can drink. I really feel their pity, it's horrible. But on good days (depends on how you look at it) I dream that I get 2 dark lines on a HPT and I'm jumping about with OH happier than we could ever imagine. Then I wake up :cry:

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