blood results


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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had them today from my gtt and she said evrything is i dont think i had diabetes...just a bloomin whopper!!! :shock: 5.1 was a number she gave me. must be my sugar levels.
glad your gtt test was ok, maybe your just going to have really big babies.
they say the more babies you have the bigger they get lol!!!
take care

Glad all came back ok Jade.

Like Sarah says it must just be that your prone to big babies!!
yeah 5.1 will be your sugar level and that is a very good result.
Glad all is ok with your results hun, at least now you know you're just prone to having whoppers!
i hate hospitals they get nothin right....

i was told not to eat from 10pm the night before, so i was drinkin as normal coz i was only told not to eat, not thinking i had a cup of tea withs sugar in the morning I went and when I got there I was asked if I had eaten or drank anything, so i lied and said I havn't coz I thought i'd get a good shouting at and sent home, I just wanted the test over and done with. my results came back at 5.1 which is normal, but did the sugar affect it and could my blood sugar be too low and i could be diabetic that way? i think im going go to a chemist and test myself!

Yes this could have affected the result... they fast you to see what your blood sugar is before you have the drink and then compare it with when you have had a massive intake of sugar! There is also sugar in milk!

If your blood sugar is mega low before they start and mega high when you finish then you could be diabetic... if they saty about the same then your ok... get yourself to boots girl and check your blood sugar after having nothing to eat for 12 hours.. or from 1000 and if it below 2 tell your HV!

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