blood and pains- false contractions??

i had the jelly gooey show, then mine urned to bleeding, so i told the mw at the hospital who said it was fine, less than a day later i was holding jack in my arms, get it checked though just to be on the safe side!
Good luck hun, hope it is the start of something for you :hug:
:hug: Good Luck Liz :hug:
Its all been kicking off overnight hasnt it.
I was up last night with tightenings, was so excited as i havent had any other signs of anything, they kept me awake, but seem to have ebbed away this morning.
Ooh she's not been on for a while.. maybe this is it?? :think: :cheer:
Any News? Sounds like it might be the start of things...good luck Liz!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
im still timing the contractions but its still every 6-7 minutes like it has been since midnight!!!!! surely real labour would show some change by now :think:

its really quite painful tho when i have the contraction i literally cant move or breathe

im gonna call the mw in a bit and see if shes back from holiday and see what she says cos i dont think i could last a few days of this cos theyre coming so often. havent slept yet :wall:
Good Luck Hun. Try to get some rest (sounds like easier said than done!) as it may be that you are in for a long ride now. :hug: :hug: :hug:
:shock: liz can't believe you've been up all night hun :hug:

hope the m/w can give you some useful advice (or gas and air :wink: )

best of luck and keep us updated when you can :hug:
mw said 2-3 cm dilated and should have the baby tonight if i can start to relax and not hold my breath
Then you'll be cuddling Anjali tomorrow :hug: :hug:
That's excellent news hunnie!! Good luck!! you'll have Anjali before you know it!! :cheer:

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