Bloat and pains


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Hi all,

My tummy is so bloated I look 6 months PG :shock: Is there anything I can do to make my tummy go down a bit? I cant get any clothes done up :(

Also, today I have had little pains all over my tummy...kind of like the feeling you get when you have trapped wind, is this normal?

Thanks, J xxx
Hey Jools,

5w3d for me too! And I have exactly the same thing! Not quite 6 months, but I definitely look like I'm showing, and I can't be at this stage can I?

It gets worse towards the end of the day. I feel full easily and *TMI* am quite constipated!! Do have this problem aswell? I think that might be the cause of some of the bloating.

Or, we could both be having twins!!
I remember reading somewhere a distended bowel (mmm lovely) is usually the cause of a 'bump' in the first tri.

Welcome to nine months of digestive upheavel ladies! :)
Oh KJ dont say that...twins run in my family :shock:

I have those exact feelings...feel really full and constipated at end of day. I'm really tired in afternoon but wide awake at night :wall:

I have heartburn too but not really bad

Do you think we worry too much :think:

J xxx

I have had the exact same thing for 2 weeks now , along with quite a painful tummy on a off, so i am hoping it must be normal!! it is very uncomfortable isn't it? what a lot of lovely symptoms we have to look forward to!!!

if i do not hold my belly in i look very pregnant too and it is defo bloating!
Hi nikkif,

Its great that there are a few of us at the same stage of pregnancy so we can reassure each other of all these symptoms :)

J xxx
Hey preggie buddies!

Glad to hear we're all experiencing similar symptoms, can only mean it's normal right?

I'm really excited cause I've had a phonecall today to say my midwife appointment is this friday at 10.30am!! It's made me feel so much better just knowing that I'm seeing someone soon. Then she can get my dating scan sorted out so hopefully I'll see our little bean soon!!
KJ you're so midwife wont see me until at least 8 weeks :(

Let us know how it goes on Friday :hug:

oohh good luck for friday!

my appointment is thursday with the midwife so i think i might feel a bit better when i have seen someone.


I had the same thing and started showing right away.
I'm only 5 weeks & 3 days but my stomach is certainly visible. It's making it rather difficult to dress as most of my trousers won't do up :eek: .

Also feeling very queasy almost all of the time. I didn't realise I would feel so rough in the early stages.
I had trapped wind and bloating from about week 5 to 14 - It is easing up now. I found fizzy water helped although it seems like completely the wrong thing to do, but maybe it gets the other wind moving and it all comes out together :oops: :oops: . I could only wear clothes which were big on me before because any tightness made me feel ill, and live in jogging pants at home. I also found if you lie on your knees with your bum up and your head down, it was more comfortable - although you look very bizarre. I started my pilates in pregnancy class yesterday and this was the "relaxation" position!!
I am so glad I am not the only one! For the past week I have been so constipated and have really bad tummy ache and heartburn to top it all off and I have been feeling pretty sorry for myself! I am 5 weeks pregnant and didn't ever think I would feel like this so early on!

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