
to becky,
my mum had what seemed like a period when she was pregnant with my brother, and ive read you can inherit that from your mum, so im hoping that the bleed is normal and i am pregnant. I cant test til next fri, god damn!!!Ur nearly there now, how do u feel?
I'm feeling strangly fine to be honest.

I'm not feeling too fed up or tired or anything that people usually complain of this late on. I guess I'm just lucky.

I am however very excited to be so close to meeting my little one!

I hope this will be you in another 36 odd weeks!
im getting excited for you!!ii bet it would be amazing to meet the little person that has grown inside you for 9 months, and i wish you all the best. Im getting a little emotional thinking about it!u have to let us know when it arrives!!!! :D
as for me, i do hope i develop a little bump soon, fingers crossed!
Hi jennyr1985

I'm due to test next Fri too, you'll have to let me know I will will let you know too!!

Kim xx
Hello Kim!
I think i read one of your posts and u put down the same dates as me. Im hoping i am pregnant, im having a mini period now (its light) and its a week early. Ive read so much on the internet about what this means, so i hope its a good sign!!!ive developed white bumps around my nipples and the area has grown too!!have u had any symptoms? i felt very sick a few days after i thought i may have conceived, but just tiredness now!
Hi Jenny

I am having a few symptoms but last month I thought that too and AF came so felt a bit silly. Well I have noticed some dots round one nipple too but not sure if they have always been there???

I have really sore boobs too but that could be a sign of AF. I have a few friends with babies and have seen and held at least one each day this week. I thought it would make me sad and jealous but not at all. I am just even more positive that it's what I want now, I found it so natural to be around them.

Well I'm thinking positive thoughts but trying not to get my hopes up. I have a lot of support and am very lucky. Thanks for replying and good luck

Speak soon

Kim xx
hi kim!!
omg!!i had the same nipple spots!its strange, im having what seems like a lighter period so i thought i wasnt pregnant (its come a week before af is due), then yesterday i noticed those white raised spots on my nipples!my boobs arent sore, but have grown and are heavier. I do hope its a good sign, and if you thort ur af came, i feel theres still some hope for me too. This has made me feel positve, so thankyou so much!!!
Keep me informed hun, its good to have someone going through the same things as me and at the same stage, did ur bleeding come before ur af was due? good luck!!!
Hi Jenny

I havent had any bleeding yet but I wish I had because I would put it down to implantaton bleeding, although I dont know if everyone gets it?? Sounds like thats what you've got, hope so!!

Wouldn't it be great if we were both lucky this month!! My boobs have grown a full cup size, I'm bursting out of my bra!!!

Its my patners birthday party tonight and I don't know if I should drink. I dont want to not drink and then turn out not to be PG cos I will feel like I have been cheated. I have heard that it doesnt matter if you drink very early on because it's not actually attatched to your blood supply yet so I think I will just take it easy. I have quite bad cramps today, hope it's not AF coming...

Kim xx
i went and took an early pt. But it was BFN, i was a little upset, but i hope i tested too early, im soooo impatient!getting waves off sickness, its dinner time now and not even hungry. I think it may be my AF with the bleeding, but the area around my nipples have grown, i hope its a good sign! Even more confused now.

Had a query whose answer could not find upto my satisfaction so thought might as well ask you ladies.
What exactly does implantation bleeding look like and for how long does it last?Is IB just a drop or a mini period?Does it have some clotting?I know it varies from person to person but please answer.
Sorry for being so precise.
Hello nimisha,
IB can vary to person to person and happens 7-10 days after conception ( when you ovulate) not all women get it though. It can be spotting of very light pink blood or brown blood. Ive read stories of women who thought their period had come, but it was lighter and suddenly stopped after only a few days. So i can be different for each person, but it is different to your normal period.

Im confused at the moment because ive just had a "mini period" a week before my real period was due and 7 day after ovulation, it all fits the bill of IB.

Btw, if you get bad cramping with your IB then it may be a miscarriage, but ive not even experienced period pains with this bleeding.

Hope this helps
Hi Jenny1985

Thanks for the reply.You were of great halp.
I hope that it was an IB for you.All the Best.
Do keep me posted.
Hi Jenny

Sorry about the BFN but it probably was too early. I think it's rare for even an early test to show positive before the day of your missed period. I gave in and did a test on Friday night and also got a BFN so I know how you feel. Well I've only got a couple left now so wont waste any more. Leaving it til Friday and if no AF by then I will test Fri.

Not sure about your bleeding thats a funny one. How much blood was there? Sorry to be so intimate!! Was it like a period or just spotting?

Good luck, fingers crossed for both of us.

Kim xx
hello kim!
ive only got a couple of tests left too, so im waiting til friday. Bleeding wasnt spotting, it was like a period but lighter. Ive not had a light period before even when i was on the pill. So i guess we will have to wait a nother few days. A good sign is that my nipples have changed, got those white bumps and the area around nipple is growing and getting darker, and the bloatedness is back!i may just be hoping to much and looking into things too deeply. But we both will find out soon, and if it is BFN im sure me and my partner are going to have fun trying again this month!!!! :D
Fingers crossed for Friday!!!

Good luck!

Kim xx

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