

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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hello!well i think i concieved a week ago, or hope i did, but yesterday i started with a very light period type thing, but today its a bit heavier. Is this normal? i thought you had some bleeding when the egg attaches itself to the lining, but it was very light? do people differ?
Hi Jenny!

Bleeding can mean all sorts of things. Some people get bleeding it's called implantation bleeding when the egg attaches itself to the womb. But it could be that or maybes not. I did not get implantation bleeding. But I suppose every1 Is different.

I advise that If you are totally worried then go to your local gp and he will reassure you.

Keep us posted
Love Danielle and Bubble x
my period should not start until next week (if im not pregnant) this is y im confused. I can test next fri for pregnancy. Thankyou for the reply, ive not been pregnant before, so dont know what to expect.Ive heard of the implantation bleeding, and im hoping its this.
Hi Jenny!

Just keep your fingers crossed and hope your pregnant, well thats if u want to be. Have you heard of them First Resonse tests that can detect the pregnancy hormone 4 days before pregnancy. If your so anxious take one of those tests. Then If that is negative. don't worry wait till your period is due and take another one. It will be a whole weight of your mind!

Keep Inotuch
Love Danielle x

P.S I had my 1st scan 3 days ago and the pics are great. I can not upload them on this site though. But you can see the arms and legs and the eye. It's so cute!
thankyou! read another post and someone said they bled every week for 8 weeks, but nothing was wrong.My mum bled with my brother i think too. I do want to be pregnant, but we'll just have to see!!!i went on ur site i cant seem to find the pics. How old are u? ive just turned 20, it was my bday yesterday.
just found the U/S!its soooooo cute! bet your well excited!
Yes I am well exited Jenny!
I am 20 in July and ppl say that I am young. I am no great beliver in all this Jesus stuff. But what I do believe is that god has a plan in life for every1 and if this was not meant to happen then it wouldnt so i am happy. Do you live with you partner or parents??
i live with my partner, hes 9 years older than me, but hes a sweety and i love him loads. We got engaged nearly a year a go. Do u live with your partner? i not believr in " whats supposed to be right " either i just think people should get on with life.

Age is not everything. I live with my partner, he is the best thing that has evr happened to me. I am 19 and he is 26. When I turn 20 he turns 27 so basically there is 7 years between us. I could not be happier. Do you live in the uk x
yep i live in Manchester!its raining at the mo :? D u live in the uk?
its typical, any bit of sunshine is balanced with alot of rain!!!!When did u find out u were pregnant? wish there was a way that you could find out straight away!!!i want to know now, got a week to wait!
I was 4 wks pegnant. Because I found out early the time has dragged for me. I wish that i just found out now. then hpefully time would fly x
Bless!are you showing a cute bump yet? i just checked the bleeding and its getting lighter, im taking it as a good sign!
I knew from 5 weeks, I managed to wait a whole 5 days after my period was due to test, and yes knowing earlier has made it seem a long time, but it's been worth it!
to dannielle,
r u on msn messenger?it would be great to chat to u!
I did have some very faint spotting early on but no bleeding as such.

Saying that, my sister-in-law bled on and off throughout her pregnancy and has a wonderful 8 month old little girl now.

It's strange how it can be normal for some and a sign of problems for others. I guess the only way to know for sure is to speak to a doctor or midwife.
I am glad the bleeding Is getting lighter.

Unfortunatley I have no bump. I was a size 10 before I fell pregnant and I can still get into my size 10 jeans, but I have a little bit fat hanging over. I just want a bump so bad!

I also have a dilemma for you ladies. Well here goes............

I fell pregnant last year and miscarried On Jan 26th @ 7 1/2 weeks ( I was gutted) Went to the for a scan on the 28th and I had an internal and there was nothing there... no sac and no baby! I had no d n c, an op after ppl normally miscarry... I also was not given any antibiotics oncase i got an infection.

Then On Feb 26th I had a period which lasted 4 days
Then On March 26th when my period was due....No Period
Then On April 26th when my period was due....No period.
I took a test it was Positive (great).

So that means that I musy have ovulated in the Feb 2 get pregnant straight away... I just find it strange that my body went back to its normal cycle so quick. I also worry deep down that maybes my baby will catch and infection because of this.

Does any1 have any answers?
Reply.... Love Danielle x
if you have had a scan and seen the health carer etc. they would have spotted something by now? im sure your baby is fine and if youve not experienced any strange things the baby should be healthy.Hope your not worrying too much, y dont you speak to your dr?

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