
Hi sweetie,

Sorry you are going through this, it is a worrying time. I would take comfort from people here who have had bleeds and turned out to be ok! The scan sounded promising so it is definately best to assume the best. On both my bleeds, the scans showed immediately that things were wrong, so yours does sound ok.
I am thinking of you and have everything crossed!

So glad everything looks okay so far , try and relax now!!
I know your fear, I bled abit at around the end of 7 weeks, it never happened again and wasn't alot so i didn't get it checked out ( i know i should have ).

But now im just over 10 weeks and almost cried my eyes out at work earlier after going to the toilet, I noticed blood after wiping and as work don't know i am pregnant i panicked as to whether i would have to walk out and go to the hospital.

Luckily i found it was from wiping and wasn't actually coming from the Vaginal Passage due to my own investigation i think this is due to me needing the toilet all the time. But my heart is still pounding like hell from the fear of misacrriage.

I hope it works out well for anyone who goes through any kind of bleeding!
Thank you soo much girls i honestly don't know what i would do with you lot right now!!!
DH has gone back to work today and i'm home alone while DD is at school so i have been having a very lazy day and watching tv in bed in between dozing :rotfl:
Haven't had any more blood but my breasts are still VERY normal, all pain has gone from them completely :?
All i can do now is wait for the 1st and see if beany has grown or gone, i'm trying not to get stressed or worked up about it but when you've tried for 3 years and been told it would be neigh on impossible to concieve naturally you can't help but be scared. :(
Anyway just to say again Thank you everyone who's replied and pm'd me it really has been you ladies thats kept me going. :hug:
When I went to the loo a few minutes ago I noticed a tiny tiny spot of blood probabaly the size of a flea but I haven't got any intense pain and I feel the same as I did yesterday. My under cackers have been rubbing a lot today so I think maybe they gave me a little cut or something. I've got a scan tomorrow morning so I don't have to wait long. It doesn't sound bad does it? Or does it?

I noticed very tiny spots of blood, but they were to the side and further back, if you know what I mean? I'm sure it's because of the 'toilet problems' I've been having since I got pregnant.

If you're sure it's not coming from your vagina, then it's probably nothing to worry about. Monitor it just in case.

Mine was alot of blood like being in full flow of my period, but it was only the one lot and hasn't happened since, :pray:
im so glad everything is going well.

Look after yourself hun and keep us updated :hug:
Thanks honey, i'm tucked up in bed DH is doing everything he can, (which isnt to my standards but he trys :rotfl: )
Just hoping and praying that beany is ok and growing.
blokes hey they just cant get anything right can they :rotfl:

Im sure everything will be fine hun ok iv had so much bleeding over the last few weeks and everything is still going strong for me so if i can get through this you can too.

Dont worry doesnt help you or baby. Have plenty of rest and take care of yourself hun :hug: :hug:
take care of yourself im here for you hun

everything will be ok :hug: :hug:
Hey Missy, i'm keeping positive just hope bubba is too!! :rotfl:

Hurry up 1st Feb so i know either way :evil:

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