Bleeding stopped, now started again!! :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
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So 2 weeks ago I was at work and started spotting which lasted 10 days. Had two scans in that time which showed growth buy no heartbeat.
Two weeks later, same place same time I start spotting again. Is it my job causing this?
Gotta wait til Friday for my next scan. :(
Oh no you poor thing!! How far along are you?

Is your job quite full on? I am sure that all is fine and there is nothing to worry about but Its awful that you have to wait until Friday You would think bleeding would be a priority!!

Fingers crossed that it soon stops xx
Oh no Hun how stressful what's your job? That sucks it's started again you feel in such limbo land, my spotting would happen every other day so strange how it stopped and started , fingers crossed for you scan not too long now x
I've only got to wait til Friday as it was a pre booked appt, and I don't see much point in moving it forward one day, as if anything is going wrong there will be nothing they can do
It does leave you in limbo, it's so stressful.
I'm a support worker/ carer it's not overly hard work, but I seem to stress more at work. Just thought it was Funny how it started again once I come back to work :/ xx
I also have a scan friday morning due to bleeding. I stsrted a few weeks ago that lasted a week stopped for 2 weeks. Then i started spotting again on Monday that looked like bloody stringy cm. But no clots xxx
Snap chrissi I'm a support/care worker!!! Keep positive , I'm still going for scan Friday although I no things are done just to make sure all is out xx
It's so horrible waiting a week between each appt. I'm hoping they might put me on bedrest when I go back, as a bit anxious about what's causing bleeding, especially as it could be work doing it! At the same time I don't want colleagues bitching that I'm milking it x
Yeah it is horrible all the waiting around, forget what others thing spotting is such a big worry it consumes your bloody headspace all you can think about you become obsessed ! X
Let me know how your scans go tomorrow Not
Nat and Twinkle xxx
Will do today is dragggggggging! What times yours? X
9am, I know I've been moping all day! Got my friends little ones birthday tea tonight, so hopefully that will pass the time xxx
Mines 9.45 can't wait to get in bed tonyt and today be done with!x
Good luck for scans tomorrow x
Good luck with all your scans ladies xxx
How you got on chrissi? Mine was fine can't believe I'm still pregnant! I was convinced it was gone! X
WOW NAT!!!! What fab news!!!! So happy for you xx
Hi Nat mine went great too! Saw a little heartbeat! Was measures at 6+4 but keeping my date of 7 weeks.
I had an inkling you still would be! That's so exciting, so happy for you xx

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