Bleeding - opinions please?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I had a little bleed today, first time I noticed was an amount about the size of a 50p pence (TMI!) not enough to fill sanitary towel. Changed it to keep an eye on it as I had no AF cramps at all, only a very dull ache on my left side?

Just checked and seems to be about an inch or so of dry blood, a fairly small line, less than finger width. Wiped and no blood so it seems to have stopped?

Told OH will keep an eye on it as it's nothing like my AF, I'm usually curled up in a ball in pain for 2 days prior to HEAVY flow, especially as I've not had AF for 45/46 days.

What does everyone think?
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I don't know hun - are you testing again? hope you're ok. very confusing all this ttc isn't it? ive got an ache on my left side tonight too, a bit under my boob around where you can feel bone. uncomfortable!xxx
Hey, don't mean to get all graphic about it but was the blood red or brown?x
I dunnno MissJ, it's a tricky one.

It could be your period starting... but it's not normal because your cycle isn't normal.

It could be a mini bleed due to your hormones being mixed up which is what caused you long cycle...

Not sure it could be implantation unless it was pink in colour but you would have to have ovulated and bd'd much later than you thought...

It could be anything :oooo:

I think it's about time you went to the doctors for a blood test and found out if you are pregnant and if not, you can start working on your missing period :)
That's good advice louise! I agree that going to the doctor is the best option.

Hi all, it was red but seems to have gone a bit clear with some blood and from what I could tell from my panty liner (TMI alert!) it had dried again and then restarted, so bleeding little by little which is odd. OH has bought a test which we were meant to do this morning but forgot as he left for work so we're going to do it tomorrow.

I know that it could be AF and I don't feel as upset about it as I thought I would be - in fact, I feel ok, after all it was our first try and we weren't BD'ing at every single opportunity. :p

I just feel a bit silly that I noticed changes in me which I don't get before AF and they seem to have come to nothing.
I don't know hun - are you testing again? hope you're ok. very confusing all this ttc isn't it? ive got an ache on my left side tonight too, a bit under my boob around where you can feel bone. uncomfortable!xxx

Thanks, I'm ok, feeling pretty relaxed about TTC now which obviously I wasn't in the beginning. Will do a test tomorrow morning but I told OH I see no point if I'm bleeding? Very confusing! :wall2:

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