Bleeding in tri 2?


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2012
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I'm coming up 17 weeks and bleeding. First time I've bled, started last night, it's brown and more than a few spots, but not a huge amount. Nothing over night and a small amount more this morning, same thing, brownish coloured about 50% of the amount so far of last night.

I've no cramps, feel fine although cervix is sore as it was in early pregnancy, can hear bubba chugging away on the doppler. Had consultant appointment a week ago yesterday, they did a quick scan, everything looked perfect then.

I tried calling around last night but was basically told my options where to put my feet up, or go to A&E. I had a terrible day yesterday so couldn't face A&E so we went with feet up option.

Any experiences or ideas? I have left my MW a voice mail, so hopefully she will call back at some point.
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Call you MW hun, see what she says.

I am sure it is nothing but best to get some reassurance.

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Had you dtd before you had the blood?!
Could have been a cervical erosion or a little irritated from sex?

Brown blood is old blood so I've heard, unless it's red, I wouldn't panic too much.
Get some rest and hopefully your MW will call you back soon! xxx
Thanks, no dtd no. So that's not the cause for sure.

I did get knocked flying by our 40kg dog about 15 hours before it appeared. I'm not sure how 'old' blood is before it turns brown. I landed (luckily) on the sofa and was unhurt so didn't think anything more of it until I started bleeding.
I wouldn't worry too much if you're not in any pain or anything and the blood is brown (it's the bright red blood that's cause for worry). Just keep your feet up and try to relax and hopefully your midwife will get back to you soon. If not, do you have a general midwife number? I have a number to call and it goes to a call centre and they put me through to a midwife in my maternity ward.
Hope you're ok :)

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