Bleeding....has anyone else gone on for 3 days?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2011
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Hey Girls,

Well what a couple of days I've had. I started bleeding heavily on monday night so we went up to a&e where we waited for 2 hours to be seen, then they prodded my tummy and said that there was definitely something in there and did another pregnancy test which came back positive. The doc then said that they wouldn't be able to get me in for a scan for another 5-6 days! Luckily I had an early scan booked for the next morning so we got sent home.

Tuesday went for the scan...still bleeding and they found my baby's heartbeat (phew) and there was no possible explaination for all the blood so the nurse told me that its more than likely implantation bleeding (apparently I'm only 6 weeks gone and not 8 like I thought) She also said that now they had picked up a heartbeat that there is only 3% of a miss! :)

Last night i continued to bleed and had some string brown within the blood - so I'm guessing this is old womb lining - has anyone else that this?

Got up this morning and I'm still bleeding so I'm very confused about whats happening - surely I shouldn't be bleeding for 3 days! Anyone else having the same problem?
Sorry hun, did not want to read and run... Dont know but its sounding positive!! Ask girls in tri 2 and 3 Im sure people have posted similar things..... Think ur gonna be just fine!
The fact ur bean has a heartbeat is the main thing Hun. Did they take blood atall? Some ppl bleed during pregnancy at it is ok so try and relax
they didnt take bloods, but they gave me a leaflet for a threatened miscarriage so I guess thats what they are thinking it is.

I've still got cramps and less blood than yesterday so hopefully things are brightening up! i'm a natural born worrier so anything that is slightly not normal to me will set me off.

Thanks for your comments guys! :) And yes youre right to see a heartbeat is a brucie bonus.
Try not 2 worry 2 much, the fact the heartbeat was there is great, i bled for 2weeks at 6-8weeks and everything was fine, u'd be surprised at how many ppl on here have had bleeding in early pregnancy. I know it is a worrying time tho but it can be completely normal. They told me it was threatened miscarriage aswell but my little boy is fine and healthy now at 21weeks. x
Thanks for replying Kay1987! :) Did you get cramps too?

Its so worrying everytime you go to the loo and there is blood. Like you said Heartbeat equals good - I've just gotta start chilling about it a bit cos being all stressed out probably isn't helping!
I had cramps ye but they werent anything too bad, they were probably just normal cramp type pains that are expected in early pregnancy, but i was naturally associating them with the bleeding. Try your best 2 relax, which is easier said than done i know! x
Thanks Kay1987 :)
I'll just keep my fingers and legs crossed! LOL
this may not be much help but i had bleeding at 6 wks for about a week,it wasnt much and it was quite dark brown.

also my boss when pregnant with her son had a period amount of blood every month until she gave birth, he is now 6
I had spotting for 2 days at just over 4 weeks and also again at 6 weeks for 3 days. The first time it was bright red and then got lighter and turned brown. I'm now over 30 wks and all is going well. It's great there's a heartbeat :)
It is scary though and its hard to relax but try. Hope it goes away soon.

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I bled for about 3 weeks from 6+3 weeks. I had 2 scans and found a heartbeat both times. Am now 27 +3 and baby is currently kicking me like mad. At my first scan they couldn't find a reason for the bleed, then at my second (after I'd had a heavier bleed) they found a blood clot just under the sac which was causing the bleeding. Haven't had any more blood since about 10 weeks or so.
They said at my scan on tuesday that there is nothing that could be causing the bleeding and the gestation sac looked healthy...
Guess I need to take a chill pill ! LOL (easier said than done eh girls!)
Thanks for all your positive comments :)

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