Bleeding consecutively for 14 weeks after miscarriage?


New Member
Sep 24, 2014
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Hi guys.. first I'll give you my story. Started spotting a few days before Christmas at around 6 weeks pregnant(first ever pregnancy after a year ttc) then turned to bleeding on Boxing Day. The actual miscarriage happened the following few days, but it's now 30/03/17, 14ish weeks later and I'm still bleeding. Blood tests didn't show negative until middle of feb. Had a scan 29th feb in which the doctor couldn't see any retained tissue. She gave me no reason, no indication as to why I have now been bleeding for 14 weeks, absolutely nothing. I wasn't even up off of her table -literally- before she said her goodbyes and just left me lying in confusion. She referred me back to my gp who then referred me to a gyno.. (not before she sent me to the EPU fully knowing that my hcg levels are now normal, EPU refused to see me):mad: and I'm currently still waiting for a gyno appointment which my gp informs me can take up to 6 weeks.. its been 3 already. There has been no break in bleeding, its been constant for 14 weeks even to the point of changing pads every 10 minutes. I'm in pain some days, some days not. I can't work as the bleeding is often just too heavy, and the pain gets to the point of being unable to walk. But apparently I don't qualify for an urgent gyno appointment.. My faith in the NHS has totally diminished after this whole process. All I feel is that I'm being passed around from person to person, with no real care to my health. My mental health is suffering hugely from this, I don't even feel like I can grieve for my baby properly yet. Nobody really I can talk to, the doctors wont even listen any more. Just want to be able to move on. Has anybody ever bled this long after a mc or had an experience like this?
Hi, no experience of this but this doesn't seem normal to me, I would personally go to A&E as your bleeding sounds like it's quite heavy and if it's affecting you physically and mentally you need to be seen xxx
Absolutely agree with the above, there is something wrong if you are still bleeding after 14 weeks, you will end up anemic if you aren't already. Get yourself off to A&E asap hun. x

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