bleeding and pain scan tomorrow HELP


May 25, 2015
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hi im am 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant i have been bleeding for the last 5 days it has stopped over the weekend but has started again. i have an early scan booked for tomorrow morning but i dont feel pregnant anymore. i have had pains off and on and bleeding and all my oregnancy symptoms have vanished.

is there anyway possible that i can stil be pregnant? i have had to wait for 5 days for this scan and am worried sick i just know what they are going to say but i really want to hope till the very end that i am wrong. this is prob my last chance of having a baby as me and the father split up just before i found out about the baby so i cant just try again. i really had my heart set on having this baby.

has anyone gone through this and had a happy ending at the scan??
Im so sorry you are going through this.
Why don't you go to the A&E dept, they will scan you and if nothing else it will put your mind at ease.

I am 8weeks with no symptoms. But if the bleeding is heavy I wpuld go straight to the hospital.

Some light bleeding is normal in the early stages from implantation. Xx
I've just found out I'm pregnant, but I'm also a doctor.
Don't stress out- please stay calm. Some women do bleed in pregnancy, it can be normal. Try to remain positive until you get your answer tomorrow morning. I've looked after pregnant ladies who have bled and everything has been absolutely fine, so this doesn't necessarily mean anything. Sending you hugs and support, please let us know what happens xx
thank you both for your kind words i have been to a and e twice and they wont scan me until tomorrow morning i am also ringing the epu constantly and unless i am bleeding very heavy and in pain they will not see me so i have to sit tight until the morning i have been so worried since thursday. is it normal for the symptoms of pregnancy to go along with bleeding too?? cos everytime i google it it usually means that is bad news? i have been pregnant twice before but never had any bleeding that is why i am so worried this time around.
stop googling it! You will only find out bad things because that's what the internet is like! Some ladies do have bleeding during their pregnancy and are fine. Your scan will give you some answers tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't help more- this is such a hard situation to be in and Im sending you all the luck and hope in the world.
thanks yeah think im working myself because ive had to wait for 5 days but guess your right tomorrow i will have the answers
Fingers crossed everything is ok for you this morning

Good luck today! For the record I have bleeding throughout most of my pregnancies - sometimes very heavy. It's not always bad news - I hope your scan goes well hun!
thanks everyone i had my scan today and everything looks fine the heartbeat is there i was convinced that there was something wrong thankyou to everyone for your positive comments i am so happy right now xx
Amazing news! I'm so happy to hear this as I'm
Sure you are as well! Xxx
AMAZING NEWS!!! So so happy for you!! I hope you're having a much-needed relaxing evening tonight!

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