Bleeding again :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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I just dont know anymore, I saw baba on Wednesday and everything was good, now I went to the loo and when wiping noticed discharge, now its dark red but not much of it.........yet.

I had a flu jab on Wednesday but they assured me it's safe. I feel like crying :cry:
Can you phone your midwife? if your scan went fine i'm sure everything is ok.
awww hon.....ring the midwife...have you had any pains or anything? xx
I phoned the midwife, she said there is nothing she can do, if it get worse - to go to a&e, I have mild cramping and back pain. :cry:
i woud go to a&e now then hon....i went as soon as i saw red and they were really welcoming and helpful and not for one moment made me feel like i was being over anxious or wasting their time.... xx
I agree with the others. Really hope everythings ok. Fingers crossed for you xxx
I hope you're ok. A similar thing has just happened to me. Feel sick with worry now.
I went to a&e and it was a waste of couple of hours, they were useless - ie told me to go home and only come back if the bleeding is very heavy (so there might be need for D&C), they said I can go to EPU but they are only open Monday to Friday.

He tried to give me information sheets about miscarriage but I refused to take it.
I now have discharge when I wipe, it's not heavy bleeding.
I went to a&e and it was a waste of couple of hours, they were useless - ie told me to go home and only come back if the bleeding is very heavy (so there might be need for D&C), they said I can go to EPU but they are only open Monday to Friday.

He tried to give me information sheets about miscarriage but I refused to take it.
I now have discharge when I wipe, it's not heavy bleeding.

oh hon....sounds like you have had a horrible time of it......i realise how lucky i was to get the care i received last weekend. i cannot fault them....but how you have just been treated sounds appauling!!! where abouts do you live? xx
I went to a&e and it was a waste of couple of hours, they were useless - ie told me to go home and only come back if the bleeding is very heavy (so there might be need for D&C), they said I can go to EPU but they are only open Monday to Friday.

He tried to give me information sheets about miscarriage but I refused to take it.
I now have discharge when I wipe, it's not heavy bleeding.

oh hon....sounds like you have had a horrible time of it......i realise how lucky i was to get the care i received last weekend. i cannot fault them....but how you have just been treated sounds appauling!!! where abouts do you live? xx
I am in London hon.

When I told him I was on progesterone, he was puzzled and then said - if gynaecologist prescribed it, then continue taking it, I dont know.

But what he did know that there was nothing they could do to help me.
why are you taking progesterone hon? xx
I was taking it for lutheal phase support and then you cant stop taking it until about 16 weeks until the placenta forms.

NHS does not prescribe it at the moment although there are trials, I had to go private.
Oh no, hope you manage to get some sleep tonight and the bleeding stops.
Take care xx
why are you taking progesterone hon? xx
I was taking it for lutheal phase support and then you cant stop taking it until about 16 weeks until the placenta forms.

NHS does not prescribe it at the moment although there are trials, I had to go private.

oh okay, i see....was that cos you had a very short luteal phase? sorry to ask you stuff at a time like this.....tell me to go away if you like.....:whistle:
i cannot adam and eve they a+e never did anything i mean its just not fair they could at least checked for heart beat or something just to make you feel better it can make you ill worrying so much they make me angry they really do. i feel for u hun i really do and i hope everything is ok xxx

is their not 24 hour midwifes in hospital by labour ward that people can go to?? xxxx
yeah, might be worth trying to speak to a midwife on the labour ward?? i was able to speak to one xx
Thinking of you and really hope all is ok.xx
I'm my pregnancy notes it says if ur under 20 weeks u gotta go a and e and over 20 weeks go to labour ward so not sure if they would see you :( I'm sorry a and e were so rubbish. I do hope u sort it out and that u and littlr one R ok xxx

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